Truth World

Acute Testicular scrotal Infection with COVID virus also extrapolated to COVID mRNA gene injection therapy platform (Pfizer & Moderna); Ultrasound Imaging show that COVID shot may damage testicles

It’s the vaccine, stupid, it’s the vaccine, and it’s the spike protein specifically stupid, it’s the spike protein!
Is it the spike protein on the viral ball and if so, then the synthetic spike protein induced by the COVID gene injection can also cause testicular infection and dramatic problem in males. Testicular inflammation (orchitis) is a real concern.
‘A total of 142 patients with COVID-19 were enrolled in our study, and 32 (22.5%) patients had acute orchitis, epididymitis, or epididymo-orchitis on scrotal US imaging, according to the diagnosis criteria. The observed risk of acute scrotal infection increased with age, with the incidence reaching 53.3% in men older than 80 years. We also observed that men with severe COVID-19 had a significantly higher possibility of epididymo-orchitis compared to the non-severe COVID-19 group (P = .037).’

I am proud to announce my affiliation with The Wellness Company. My dear and esteemed colleagues Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Harvey Risch as well as Dr. Richard Amerling and Dr. Heather Gessling are also with The Wellness Company which provides telemedicine services for long-haul COVID, vaccine injury, and medical exemptions along with great all natural supplements and products that are fully aligned with our values. We are talking about scientifically researched supplements designed by leading physicians like Dr Peter McCullough. This support for The Wellness Company stems from the sub-optimal medical care and response that we experienced throughout the pandemic. It became apparent that there are many glaring gaps in our healthcare system and people were not properly treated. Thus, the pivot by us to support The Wellness Company. Take a stand against a broken healthcare delivery system and purchase a membership with the The Wellness Company, which directly funds our fight against medical tyranny. Click here The Wellness Company for more information. 

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander