Truth World

There is no question, the COVID gene injection (mRNA/DNA) vaccine causes heart damage & sudden cardiac death; re-share of a study by Schwab et al. showing autopsy reporting that vaccine caused deaths

I guess this was one of the key studies you also did not hear about in the news, the trusted new. Keep this one too in your library and remember the key finding:


‘We describe the autopsy findings and common characteristics of myocarditis in untreated persons who received anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Standardized autopsies were performed on 25 persons who had died unexpectedly and within 20 days after anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. In four patients who received a mRNA vaccination, we identified acute (epi-)myocarditis without detection of another significant disease or health constellation that may have caused an unexpected death. Histology showed patchy interstitial myocardial T-lymphocytic infiltration, predominantly of the CD4 positive subset, associated with mild myocyte damage. Overall, autopsy findings indicated death due to acute arrhythmogenic cardiac failure. Thus, myocarditis can be a potentially lethal complication following mRNA-based anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.’

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander