Truth World

Monkey-pox (MPOX), it is critical you understand that Fauci in NIAID, Francis Collins & the inept malevolent scientists at NIH have been trying to bring lethal monkey-pox to then bring vaccine; they

have been playing with it in lab, creating more infectious deadly strains of monkey pox (see below) & the reality is that they can then with their patents, bring you monkey-pox (smallpox) vaccine $

The create a fake pandemic, crisis then offer you antidote, a vaccine.

Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine…$$
Monkey-pox remains isolated to the GAY, bisexual tranny community…it is not a heterosexual infection and if heterosexual get infected, it’s because one partner is bisexual…going to bathhouses and having male on male sex then going home to monogamous wife/partner. Do not let them scare you, this is a GAY bisexual infection transmitted when the pustules and boils filled with infected pus are broke in hard skin to skin contact in GAY type sex. Yet they are ginning it up in the lab to harm you, making it lethal and it is a crime against humanity…we hold them to account if this thing becomes other than it is. We must screen for this coming out of Africa too. It is likely that NIAID, NIH, Fauci and his criminal band of scientists seeded also it in Africa to come back to USA…

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander