Truth World

We have islamist jihadists globally plotting ways to stab and bomb us, to kill Americans, rape our women, our daughters, yet we have Obama/Biden intelligence community painting nails? transgenderING?

PRIDE focused for June? Free Trans Flag Manicures, ‘Filipinx’ Lectures? So let me get this shit straight, the terrorists globally will STAND down as the US agencies get their GAY & PRIDE on?

I ask for I will like to know how this works for once I know that the terror killers will step back as we get our PRIDE and GAY on, then I am cool with that…but let us get this document authenticated for it is mind boggling to me. Like the ‘boofing’ (US governments, tax-payers now facilitating providing addicts stuff to shoot fentanyl up their ass)…in Maine…
so far.

Alexander MAGA COVID News; a PCR manufactured COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

This story by The Daily Wire is staggering. To say the least.
I wonder if the intel community knows that the islamist jihadist terrorists will kill them as gays, trannies, bisexuals, LGBTQ etc.? I wonder…I wonder if the GAY community knows that killing a GAY is sport and fun for an islamist jihadist?

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Alexander MAGA COVID News; a PCR manufactured COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander