Truth World

This nincompoop dimwit dolt dummy Deborah Birx aka scarf lady, what a stupid person, embarrassing so, a 100% record of every single thing she said in COVID being flat wrong! she & the lilliputian

Fauci & I have been asking around and there are whispers that she may have some ownership in some company that makes testing kits for this ding dong to want to test every cow & bird for H5N1 in USA
You know when someone is so very stupid, so inane and vacuous that they become dangerous to the society by the nonsense they spew, well, Birx is one of those. Highly irrelevant, she just will not shut up. Dangerous. Specious. Unsound. And what I find fascinating is this lady can look at herself daily knowing that every single thing she said in COVID was wrong and actually caused harms. Her and her lockdown lunacy.
All of Trump’s Task Force IMO save Giroir, IMO, should be examined under oath, in real courts. And all blame is Birx’s and Fauci’s. Deaths due to lockdowns and vaccine rests with them and others. Not 45, for he did what was expected, to listen, and take advice given they were the scientist experts.

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

And this devil is now coming with bird flu H5N1, and the media is poking us with H5N2, H5N8 etc. They are doing all they could, this Birx et al. to create fear and panic when the public has flipped her the bird, but she does not grasp that, and she is still trying to use the fraud PCR process to create another fake pandemic. Out of nothing. It is so very ridiculous and exposed, that we have WHO telling us someone died in Mexico (may become the new Wuhan) from H5N1/N2 yet Mexico says no, that did not happen.
We should be given the name of the company Birx is likely invested in with testing kits for all the cows in America, so we can invest too.
(100) Lunatic Dr. Deborah Birx aka ‘facelift scarf lady’, stupid inept moron of a so called ‘scientist’, back at it again with ‘test EVERY cow in US’ insanity, H5N1 ‘fake’ pandemic, asymptomatic spread, PCR (

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander