Truth World

Pure racism is what this ‘gorilla glue’ nutball lunatic Rep. Maxine Waters (D) is all about, like Al ‘Tawana Brawley fraud feces lie’ Sharpton & the CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS, pure racists!

Here this nincompoop Waters is boldly telling you that it is imperative we have DEI etc. so that black judges & DAs etc. can go after white people like Trump, that’s the reward for blacks! if whites
said same, what would be the response from media etc.? This Waters has always been a lunatic, a racist hating one, and she hates Trump and why? pppssst, come closer, the word is ‘envy’, she knows that the rich white cracker Trump (as they refer to him) is cleaner than she and all, will ever be, they stink, physically and morally, well most of her 435 congress colleagues and senate high crime bandits…she knows…they even smell bad, they do not shower, I know, I dealt with lots.
This video exemplifies her hatred and racism to whites. To Trump. Her danger and why people like her must never be taken seriously and work to poison the minds of young impressionable people. It is why young blacks must switch her off as she preaches this hatred. Leave the black plantation. The democrat slave plantation. There is economic slavery that the democrats have you chained down with. Tell them fuck off. Leave it! Go to school, work hard, do not go to government work, you become a thief then, you lose purpose and clarity, stay out of government, work hard, tap your true God given skills…you are here black man and woman for a reason, God made you and you have powerful gifts, maybe more than most…use them…tap them, develop them….be a mentor…join the military, serve, give back, protect America, grow a family, take care of them…your flag.

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

And when you stop spitting and pulling the hair out your head after reading here, remember one thing, my x, x, x, and so on grandfather was a black man, blacker than the night sky and a slave. So, calm to hell down…I am saying blacks can be and are as racist as white. so, relax your black colored self…relax…calm down…
Look I say it, Rep. Maxine Waters (D) is a pure sick racist, hating woman. Deranged.

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander