Truth World

Hunter ‘crackhead I will smoke & snort anything not nailed down’ Biden’s guilty verdict means NOTHING & Clandestine & I are on same page! see chart below of Biden’s position in Ukraine biolabs (Meta-

biota, Rosemont Seneca, Nathan Wolfe) doing batcoronavirus research since 2014; a crackhead with Nathan Wolfe doing virus research? This is to soothe placate public as they jail 45; pawn for King!
Meaningless, MISDIRECTION. As I stated and Clandestine stated para “This is just a slap on the wrist to make it look like the DOJ were looking into Hunter’s criminality.
Just like Hillary with Comey’s speedy “investigation” of her private email server before the 2016 election, they are hoping this will appease the public so they can move past it.”

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

No one should take joy in any of this. But all in all, this is MISDRIECTION, while the more serious issues regarding Hunter Biden slip under the mat. His role as example in coronavirus research, his roll in setting up this fake NON-PCR manufactured COVID fraud of a pandemic. Yes, a crack whore crack head was running COVID research. With Obama too.
Hunter Biden’s more serious real crime is his reported selling of influence of Joe Biden (as senator, as Vice President, and potentially as POTUS that has to be interrogated under oaths) to the criminal Ukrainians (and Chinese). These gun charges are a game, a MISDIRECTION for us the public for they want Trump so threw us this. Biden has much more serious crimes to answer to.
This is misdirection, MEANINGLESS, we have serious issues at our borders that Joe Biden and Obama has destroyed America as we have thousands of terror cell islamist jihadists entering (especially in New York area) and will now be in USA planning stabbings, bombings, killings, gang rapes of Americans. Stand by, its coming, be very careful, for you and your daughters, Biden INC. and Obama knew this, they are not stupid, they know that the illegals coming in have bad people among them. Many Americans will die in time, Biden and Obama know this. They did this and when it happens remember my stacks and remember Biden and Obama.
America will face a Bataclan type terror attack and the law enforcement know it. It is booked and the left and Biden etc. are so deranged they went after 45 to keep our eyes off the ball and now playing more with this token Hunter issue when even in this they are defrauding the population.

All of this is connected.
(100) A pawn for a king? is this how they ensure 45 gets some jail time?…jail your crackhead to take down 45? Firstly, this was the least of the charges crackhead should have faced but is this (

(100) para I would smoke anything remotely resembling crack cocaine, I am a crack head crack whore & btw, thats my real teeth…in USA today its who controls the gavel and the cuffs (

(100) Hunter’s Gun Charges Mean NOTHING (

‘I don’t give a damn about gun charges.
This is just a slap on the wrist to make it look like the DOJ were looking into Hunter’s criminality.
Just like Hillary with Comey’s speedy “investigation” of her private email server before the 2016 election, they are hoping this will appease the public so they can move past it.
Meanwhile, Hunter is heavily involved in the Ukrainian bio network, and is being alleged of crimes against humanity by the Russian and Chinese government’

‘Pictured is a slide from Russian MoD’s formal allegations to the UN, regarding US bioweapon development in Ukraine. Hunter, via Rosemont Seneca, secured the funding for these nefarious US labs in Ukraine that were doing research on bat coronaviruses as early as 2014.’
Excellent short stint by Clandestine, excellent scholarship, support that stack.

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander