Truth World

PCR fraud over-cycled ‘process’ has been & is being used to create fraud fake ‘lie of a pandemic’ one after the other…H1N1 (2009), COVID (2020), now H5N1 avian bird flu; do not fall for it! it’s a

100% lie; they are MANUFACTURING a fake H5N1 pandemic (we have never had a ‘pandemic’), like in COVID, release something somewhere to get some sick (respiratory) & PCR test everyone & say POSITIVE
No lab-leak, no wet-market, all lies, MISDIRECTION, not even Gain-of-fiction or claim-of-fiction or gain-of-function is applicable here…no no no…Fauci, Birx, Hahn, Azar, all of them, Bourla, Bancel, Malone et al…all conspired (yes, to affect the Trump’s 2020 election) in various ways to bring a fraud pandemic and mRNA vaccine…all have different roles in the same OPERATION…now H5N1 avian bird flu is a continuation of the same OPERATION and if you understood OPERATION NORTHWOODS,

you would then be able to understand that YES, the United States Government and DoD CAN, is well capable, of being involved in bringing a fake COVID pandemic and deadly vaccine (just like 9/11 becomes open to debate)…Couey’s ‘infectious clone’ theory IMO is best re COVID and I add and tweak it up; I am saying, and taking tone from Yeadon and Couey, that it is more than likely something was released in multiple places to give high risk persons (elderly yet even younger high-risk persons) respiratory type symptoms…like a toxin, a poison, but a positive result from PCR process was not that it was spreading human-to-human and you had asymptomatic transmission (that too was a COVID lie), the PCR was over-cycled and part of the OPERATION, to tell you that you are/were POSITIVE (and force masks and lock you down and coerce you to take the Malone Bourla mRNA vaccine) when we know today PCR was 97% FALSE-POSITIVE…it was a lie! You were NEVER infected and NEVER spreading anything to anyone…COVID was a complete, PCR-manufactured, false-positive lie of asymptomatic transmission (and lie of equal risk of severe outcome if exposed or ‘infected’ regardless of baseline risk or age) ‘non-pandemic’.
We never had a COVID pandemic. We never ever had a pandemic. Respiratory pathogen cannot pandemic. I am not getting into the debate of if viruses exist etc. I am not saying it was COVID or a coronavirus (IMO viruses (that genetic entity) likely exists) that caused this event we experienced in MARCH 2020 (and which was labelled ‘COVID’) and which was put onto us…the lies of it all opens possibilities for many etiologies. Not for this discussion as I wanted to be clear about the use of PCR to bring this fake H5N1 avian bird flu. They can literally tell you using over-cycled PCR that you are positive when you have NOTHING.

it is the same model they are bringing now for H5N1 using the PCR fraud process AGAIN…
Stop using PCR completely, and I leave you with a question, if PCR was said to be unreliable and why CDC said after 3 years it was stopping its use with COVID, is the same CDC now using it for H5N1?

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander