Truth World

45, Trump must WIPE them out, take them all out LEGALLY who did this, using ALL the same crooked legal actions they used on him, he must seat Garland, Biden, Bragg, Merchan, Obama, Letitia et al. in a

court, but get Republican DAs, justices, judges, juries, Republican state, location, do all the same done to him in reverse & wipe them out, JAIL them deep time; why? they want to KILL his children!
these fuckers were prepared to cross the line, these lawyers, these judges, these legal people and all the fucking lawyers staying silent now, to help stop Biden’s political opponent, are the same ones who sat silent as the government fucked us with the COVID lockdowns and the Malone Bourla Bancel Weissman mRNA technology vaccine as people died…same ones…now nodding and silent as all the judicial rules are blown away…silent as Trump is abused legally…his rights demolished…fair justice having no role….
these lawyers who are so skilled in being programmed and propagandized, skilled at it……they were taught all the rules in law school, all they have been taught in law schools etc. law 101…now it is all turned upside down…and they know it…and they cannot put Pandora back into her box…they know the truth, they know what is right….they studied fair justice, they studied keeping the scales of justice balanced…they know what it is and know all of what is done to Trump is unfair justice. they removed the blindfold from Madame Justice…now they must live with what was done to 45 and they know it is against all they know and were taught…

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

but they are filled with so much hate, venom against Trump and they are blinded by derangement…and we are seeing how dangerous they are…they violated all the justice rules to ‘get’ him (they burnt down the entire legal system) knowing they are dangerously wrong…biased and unfair…but giddy with delight as they abuse this man…and his rights of fair justice. to be presumed innocent FIRST.
so what must 45 do now?
“This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt,” and 45 is correct. But Republicans and conservatives must be willing to punish and jail Democrats (and whomever) exactly using the same terms they’re using to jail Trump…complete…each and every abusive action must be returned to them and some! We and Trump MUST do to Democrats what they have done to him! Period!
Based on their reaction or lack of it, people like Mitch ‘traitor’ McConnell must be purged from the Republican party. Hogan with his para ‘verdict should be respected’ should never touch an elected office again as a Republican. Same as Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, must be purged, these are sick twisted people who will help punish Trump wrongfully yet work with a demented Biden et al. Similarly, neocon hack John Bolton must be spat at as he hurls invectives at Trump when this is arguably one of the most dangerous neocons ever, and people’s deaths are on his hands.
well, we don’t want this to be ‘hey guys, see the coming letter I sent, let us discuss’ when he gets in…no sitting, holding hands, negotiations…no no no…we want 45 to pulverize them legally…decimate them…legally…
Trump must be re-elected and use Justice department, use it to visit pain relentlessly, consistently, ruthlessly on all Democrats and RINOs and the evil crooked judges and lawyers and DAs etc. involved and with endless show trials and using lawfare, as the democrats did to him and on us the American people. These bitches understand power and we must visit power back onto them, we must punish them using exactly what they did to Trump. He must!
45 must take them out legally using full Justice, legal means, procedurally, fair justice, proper courts, judges, juries, etc. and lose them in jails for life and take all their fucking money…
no no no, no fucking way do we want 45 to be NICE, we want retribution, balls to the wall and 45 must burn it all down, take Justice, all of it, all these judges must be impeached and face jail for prosecutorial misconduct.
what 45 is facing now is that he will not be in this world long…he knows this and to him now it must be protecting his children and grand-children…I know this is what drives him now and it is all I may say here…do you think they will stop at trying to jail 45’s children? I do not.
He, 45, with us, must ensure that does not happen. these democrats are rabid deranged medieval animals. the politicized legal system. they have shown their hand and it is frightening for the lengths they would go to.
we are good people, good American people, who want to live peaceful civil legal lives, just helping each other as we make our way, but what was done here to 45 must be answered and it must be answered in kind and some. Those who are found to have done wrong must face harsh penalty as allowed under law.
before he dies, he is now going to give it back to them and it will not be nice, you will beg him to stop…for he must blow them away and shut them down complete, not halfway, he has to take them out legally, all of them, using Justice department et al…deep jail for life etc. complete…they must not be roaming free…as he secures our borders, and fixes the cost of living and inflation disaster Biden et al. visited upon us, this is an imperative…simultaneous…for his children, for word is that the left is seeking to actually kill his family, his son Barron, his daughters, his sons etc., his family, former FLOTUS, and what they just did to him, you know they would shoot him if and when they could so for sure this is the plan for his family…his family is not safe as long as they roam and are not accountable for what they have done and are doing…to him and us the American people….they have signaled that they would not stop unless they go after and harm his family!
and he will be going after them legally using the system of Justice we have as a good governance society, to ensure when he leaves this world, by that time, they, his children, are safe…he has to take these demons out complete…and remake our Justice system…sit them in jails for life…and hurt them with every legal punishment he could. That they wrongfully used on him.
He is coming with malice, retribution, and vengeance and I love it and stand with him!
he has to put them away. he has to take them out legally using full Justice, legal means, procedurally, fair justice, proper courts, judges, juries, etc. and lose them in jails for life and take all their fucking money…
for his children…this now is for his children and grandchildren and I understand. This is for us the American people for what was done to 45 was really done on us the American people. Attacks on 45 are attacks on us, they seek to destroy us and kill us. It is clear.
45 must now move to protect his kids and grand-kids long term. for these beasts, these devils will not stop coming at anyone named ‘Trump’. he can do that by getting Justice for the wrongs on him. but very serious long-term harsh destructive legal punishment. on all involved. democrats, RINOs, republicans, all, judges, lawyers, DAs, all…

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander