Truth World

November 5th 2024 US election will turn and depend on the invasion of USA by Obama & Biden, the 15 to 16 million illegals (jihadists, rapists, killers, insane people);it is time America had a real 3rd

party, a Soverignist, populist, nationalist party…people who put the welfare and interests of the people and nation FIRST, the Republican party is way left of center, Mike Johnson is IMO leftist
Trump needs to understand, it is populism, nationalism, sovereignism that is key and he must run on this and he will blow them away…he is there now but seal it with this push…Americans are yearning for this now…true patriots and Trump IMO is a patriot…IMO we were a populist nationalist movement seeking a leader and we CHOSE Trump…he did not choose us…I think Trump won even by more in 2016 and they stole votes then…and then he had to content with the traitors Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell…
I think Trump is a ‘soft’ nationalist populist sovereignist and he must sturdy himself, strengthen himself, big up the message…be firm, time to boot the republican and conservative party…pussy hat conservatism…left of center…
It is the illegal immigration POTUS Trump…run on this mainly…

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander