Truth World

Excellent substack and scholarship by JOEL SMALLEY, named ‘Dead Man Talking’; title of this scholarship (worth the read) “Debunking the lie that COVID “vaccines” saved any lives once and for all; No

more speculation. We finally have the evidence to prove it from the official source.” What Joel is stating we have argued in various ways & those doctors & scientists who kept saying mRNA shots saved
lives have misled you, always, and they know and knew better. It was a lie. Some just did not ‘get’ the science, did not understand it or could not read the science and data. Some academically sloppy, intellectually lazy, incompetent, specious, unscientific. Some were shilling for the vaccine companies, incentivized.
Debunking the lie that COVID “vaccines” saved any lives once and for all (
Please support Joel’s scholarship.

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

‘Debunking the lie that COVID “vaccines” saved any lives once and for all

No more speculation. We finally have the evidence to prove it from the official source.

I am absolutely certain that my two MPs during the COVID atrocities will be delighted to learn that the evidence finally confirms that the COVID “vaccines” didn’t save any lives.
As a reminder of their position:

So, there we have it. Lockdowns were the solution to the greatest challenge since WWII and “vaccines” saved the day (and hundreds of thousands of lives).
But did they?
Being the discerning readers I know you are, you will already be aware of our multifaceted evisceration of the paltry ONS attempts to promote the Safe and Effective™ fallacy and our recent success in getting them to admit the bias in their data?
And now, hot on the heels of that shocking admission, well nine months of determined truth-seeking on the part of my dear friend, Clare Craig, at any rate, we finally have the unbiased data.
So, I thought I would rerun my original analysis of the ONS deaths by vaccination dataset, in fact one of my very first Substack contributions from Dec 2021!
The results will come as no surprise to you. We were right again, of course.

Starting with the over 80s, using only the official, public data (only public due to Clare’s FOI request), it looks like the “vaccine” saved around 13k lives.
The FOI data is stratified by month so I took the NIMS vaccination rate at the start and end of each month and multiplied it by all deaths for the month for that age group to get an expected range. Anything below the range is a “life saved”. Anything above is a “life lost”.
If we’d stopped there, we might forgive dear Julie for exaggerating her tens to hundreds but alas, that isn’t even half the story.
As you can probably already see from the chart, all of those “lives saved” were in Feb and March 2021. But, COVID had already substantially waned by then. In fact, there were only a total of 15,000 COVID deaths for all ages for those two months and, as we can see in the chart below, there is no inflection in the curve that would support a hypothesis of fewer deaths than otherwise expected in the over 80s vaccinated population, contributing to that waning.
The waning of COVID mortality started mid-Jan, before any substantial number of people had received their “effective” second jab plus 2 weeks.

But it gets worse…
We now have the evidence – official, national data – that clearly shows that the under 80s “vaccinated” died at higher rates than expected.

By the end of 2021, at least 2,500 more deaths in the 65 to 79 year-olds…

At least 600 more deaths than expected in the 50 to 64 year olds…

At least 1,500 more deaths in the 30 to 49 year-olds…

And finally, at least 300 more deaths in the 20 to 29 year-olds, that represent by far the highest in percentage terms.

It’s rather sad that we weren’t taken seriously at the time and that it has taken so long for the correct data to be released because, for sure, there were many more thousands of lives lost as a result of non-informed consent to the gene therapy experiment.’

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander