Truth World

What is MATT TAIBBI smoking? Press/media Amnesty? you think a soft piece by New York Times Joe Kahn seeing the writing on the wall that 45 will be back as POTUS, means as you say “journalism is back”?

wrong Taibbi, bullocks! Your wrote “Don’t look now, but journalism might be back.” in response to prostration by Joe Kahn; look Matt, its been decades & years that NYT have vilified 45
Not so fast Matt, not so fast…IMO legacy media died, and what was done to Trump the last 10 years or so cannot be reversed for it is like the COVID medical doctors, the health officials etc…they knew what they were doing, yet many did it deliberately. Power drunk. Media knew what it was doing and enjoyed it and made a living off of it. Traditional American media are America hating and most belong in the trash. Basically, leftist Marxist socialist deranged people. Media damages America and good people by smear and slander games. I am no writer and certainly no media person. I guess my view after reading your piece is that you can take one puff piece (and there is always a reason) and arrive at a viewpoint that journalism is now being set straight and back to normalcy?
Seems too like you want some sort of ‘media AMNESTY’? Like the fraud KILLER medical doctors and scientists in COVID? The media beasts now joining on asking for forgiveness and amnesty? sliding in puff pieces now as if they were NEVER one of the MAIN contributors to the lies, the misdirection, the slander, and the smear, that they did not help kill people with the false COVID reporting, the cancelling, the shaming, the unfounded attacks, the pushing of lockdowns, the shilling of the deadly Malone Bourla Bancel Sahin Weissman et al. mRNA vaccine? No no no…
we have to burn all of legacy media down, the legacy media, end it, and start over! IMO it is finished. what was done to Trump aka 45 and his family across near 10 years now is monstrous…unforgiveable, and Joe Kahn can prostrate himself all he wants, we aren’t buying it…stick your arse in the air to someone else Joe, who is willing to buy…we not buying it Joe…and no Matt, I do like your writing (some of it)…but wrong story, wrong message, wrong timing. IMO.
The NYT and legacy media on the whole worked with The White House to cause so much damage during the fake fraud PCR manufactured non-COVID pandemic with the lies of asymptomatic spread and in doing so, sought to damage Trump’s Presidency.
‘Kahn didn’t stop, announcing a formal re-drawing of lines in the sand. He told the White House that fixing the country is their job, reporting is his job, choosing presidents is the job of voters, and stop blaming us if you can’t get re-elected on your own.’

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Now? After you the legacy media, damaged 45 and America and had a fun time for near 10 years wrongfully now you want to play nice Kahn? It was always your EFFin jobs at NYT to ONLY report the news and you did too much damage. You failed in every regard. No amnesty for you, media, you belong in the trash heaps of history, all of you fecal banal putrid feral legacy media, all of you.
nice try Matt, nice try. Kahn et al. should have gone ballistic on Biden’s White House 4 years ago and on Obama’s White House and Bush’s and Clinton’s and even Trump where it had to ensure proper reporting and fair reporting and accurate reporting. But it did not, it was too focused on destroying Trump and his family.
IMO, NYT is dead, it killed itself over Trump. It was already on the way out, but it committed suicide with TDS.
We are not buying what Kahn is selling here…so peddle it elsewhere. That legacy media reporter pukes, the feces reporter people and their bosses can write what they did for a decade on 45 and this great America and smear and slander him and America without cause, all of them, most of them actually, and now play holy and sanctimonious with their ‘come to Jesus moment’? Eff them! They did too much damage.
It will take a hell of a ‘mea culpa’ to bring them back.
And NYT leads the pack as it remains a failed left-wing radical has-been rag.

Is Journalism Back? New York Times Editor Goes Ballistic on Biden, “Safe Space” Era
Five years of bitterness between Joe Biden and the country’s most influential newspaper burst into the open this week, opening a door for a press comeback

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Don’t look now, but journalism might be back.
In a rare uplifting press story, New York Times executive editor Joe Kahn seemed to lose patience with incessant demands that he elect Joe Biden instead of reporting news, directing an epic, And Justice For All-style “No, you’re out of order!” tirade against the White House and its lackeys.
When Ben Smith at Semafor asked Kahn about former Obama official Dan Pfeiffer’s complaint that the Times does not “see their job as saving democracy or stopping an authoritarian from taking power,” Kahn went ballistic.
“I don’t even know how it’s supposed to work in the view of Dan Pfeiffer or the White House,” Kahn snapped. “We become an instrument of the Biden campaign? We turn ourselves into Xinhua News Agency or Pravda, and put out a stream of stuff that’s very, very favorable to them and only write negative stories about the other side? And that would accomplish — what?”
Kahn didn’t stop, announcing a formal re-drawing of lines in the sand. He told the White House that fixing the country is their job, reporting is his job, choosing presidents is the job of voters, and stop blaming us if you can’t get re-elected on your own.
“There are people out there in the world who may decide, based on their democratic rights, to elect Donald Trump as president,” Kahn told Smith. “It is not the job of the news media to prevent that from happening. It’s the job of Biden and the people around Biden to prevent that from happening.”’

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander