Truth World

Money & fame whores & why Dr. Aseem Malhotra is DIFFERENT & I gave him a green card PASS; because he pushed mRNA vaccine initially but he has told us he got his dad to take it & he DIED! He grieves

the rest did wrong, they know it, but still shilling, want to bask in the fame whore they are & money whore today still, but also to hide saying ‘oh it’s harmful’…so want you to credit them for
pushing it and credit them for questioning it, the harms, today…no, does not work for me…Aseem has shown the right balance and contrition though he made a grave mistake with his father and the price is steep and he will need to work it out with himself and his God etc…the others still cannot say what he has said and still only seek fame and money…whores they are…
they all did wrong and costed lives, and we must ensure legal forums deal with them. Many operated KNOWINGLY…they knew what they were doing but the incentivization was too good, the lure of the incentives too great. People died though. It has got to be squared. I look at all of them who pushed these vaccines and partook in the selling of the fraud with governments, onto the vulnerable TRUSTING population, very poorly. The public were critical sensible balanced thinkers yet were not allowed to make up their own minds and were forced under threat of law to take it with decision-makers shutting down all aspects of your life so you had to take it…trying to say today para ‘well, we could not legally force you to take it’…yeah right, yet you used your power to shut all access to everything around us, from us…so it was we were shut out of society if we did not take the shot…or take it…and for many, we were laid off if we did not, no income…so doctors IMO are criminals who should face maximal punishment.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander