Truth World

HIV/AIDS is the only infection we know of with 100% mortality; cocktails & ART have reduced the HIV load & as such allows CD4 cells (also known as helper T-cells) to increase & thus strengthen your

immune system; problem is antiretrovirals cause drug resistant HIV that is more complex, difficult, expensive to treat; Monkey-pox & HIV are both infections/disease of the GAY, bisexual community
HIV has never been an infection of the heterosexual community. The media and left and UN and WHO and CDC and Fauci and Njoo et al. have tried to confuse you and make you think it is a heterosexual issue.
It never was.

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

HIV was always an infection of the GAY and bisexual community (and I wrote about this given the hysteria on monkey-pox that is also an infection of the GAY and bisexual and tranny community) and became an issue for the heterosexual community only when GAY and bisexual HIV positive men (or men engaging in high-risk behavior like injecting drug use and multiple partners etc.) (and women) visited their other partners before going home. Their spouse was not the wiser as bisexual GAY males visited GAY bathhouses etc. The wife or partner was home, often monogamous yet she did not know he was sleeping with men too who had HIV (or were at risk and had high-risk behavior).
We found this out (I was a Canadian epidemiologist) when we conducted 2nd and 3rd generation behavioral risk surveillance, and we detected HIV among pregnant women. We use pregnant women (women visiting pre-natal clinics too) as a sentinel surveillance flag system, best we got, for a pregnant woman is typically near 100% monogamous, especially in the state of pregnancy (entering or just leaving) and if she is married and at home, the very lowest risk in a society for STDs etc. We look for esoteric and high-risk STDs in pregnant women for we expect to find ZERO there.
When we found HIV in prenatally screened women, we knew HIV had leapt from the GAY and bisexual community to the lowest risk sub-group, pregnant women, and the ONLY way that could have happened is if GAY and bisexual males who were married and/or in monogamous relationships (so she thought) and she got pregnant, and they, the men, were engaging in high-risk men-on-men sex, along with sex with her. Unknown to her.
So GAY and bisexual men, don’t do this to your wives and partners at home. Same risk for HIV as is monkey pox for you GAY and bisexual males, stop with the promiscuous behavior. Limit to ONE sex partner ONLY. Who are faithful and monogamous. Do not sleep around for you are unfair to her (partner at home) and the unborn baby who could become infected in utero. There are huge complications for baby. At least tell her you are bisexual and like penis anal sex with men and visit bathhouses so she can have a choice to refuse your sex advances and protect herself.
HIV has 100% mortality if you live long enough and do not succumb to another illness like heart disease. HIV/AIDS will kill you if you live long enough. There is no cure. Good news is cocktails etc. prolong life but there are costs. There are OPPORTUNITY COSTS.

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander