Truth World

It is critical that we remember that it is NOT the rank & file in the alphabets, I have come to know some of the best people in the alphabets who do the heavy lifting & are patriots; it’s the high

ranking appointed people, career bureaucrats often in positions not by merit etc. but placed there for partisan political reasons who damage the agencies & engage in terrible acts AGAINST
people on orders from very high ups…and they do it for a good performance review, for salary, for promotions etc. For benefits. It is funny that this is my experience with non-public health agencies…but surprisingly I find deviance high and lower level but in the law agencies I have found that it’s the high ups who engage in malfeasance (less of the lower rank yet they follow orders) for their political masters and their own deviances…their own agendas…
My point I guess too is this, that we cannot (or should not) brandish complete agencies and employees because of terrible malfeasance by high level political appointee people whose task is, in return for the lofty post, to do bad things, abuse the population, eviscerate rights, privacy etc. remember Lois Lerner…? That political hack who abused her role and abused conservatives etc.?
This is my opinion, that there are some good people IN government, in these agencies, the FBI etc. and we must not forget that, that there are those who do put lives on the line, and we cannot smear or castigate an entire group of people for the work of some very bad politicized malevolent apples who were part of the abusive raid on POTUS Trump’s home (Crossfire Hurricane concerns):

Did AG GARLAND order the use of deadly force by the FBI, shoot to kill, in raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago? This has been swirling for the day & the question is, have we seen the actual documents? Was such (

yet there are many bad and it is clear now…people who have no concern when they abuse us and violate the very rule of law they are to obey….…and we can have different opinions and experiences so mine is not the absolute one. But I wanted to share. COVID has made us weary and untrusting of all in government, like how we despise our medical doctors. It will take a long time to regain trust, if ever.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander