Truth World

I agree with Dr. Peter McCullough on the ‘FEAR PORN’ & propaganda on avian bird flu H5N1; culling & mass vaccination makes this worse; IMO they are MANIPULATING pathogen

I fear sick dark malevolents are trying to take this avian flu virus? & make it worse to CREATE a crisis so the issue is how do we respond? Do we just TURN the fraud off? Mass PCR testing will drive
infection detections up and they will declare infections are rising and then follow this with rising cases. The very same over-sensitive 95% false-positive PCR process (failed in COVID and helped create the fake COVID non-pandemic) is being used here. How insane is this?
So, the real question today is, do we realize that they are really TRYING to gin up fear and create something out of nothing and actually use deadly lab techniques to create something dangerous to humans? I think we need that healthy skepticism and concerns and to NOT trust these people and to understand that these deadly malevolent people will take the steps to harm us for whatever sick evil agendas they do have. Certainly, as we saw in COVID and now as we look back, we can say that nothing was done to help people but rather benefit themselves, in terms of power, riches, agendas, depopulation etc.

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Redfield and WHO et al. are driving concern saying with only small genetic changes in the lab, man-made manipulations, they can juice it up. So, are sick dark evil people trying to cook up a more infectious and lethal H5N1? Is this true? Is this another attempt to mass vaccinate the human global population? Is this a subsequent stage of the binary COVID mRNA bioweapon? Are they doing gain-of-function (GoF) research with this H5N1 (some lab manipulations to gin, juice up the pathogen to jump to humans? To spill over to humans, yet via deliberate lab manipulations)?
To cause damage to humans? Why are we interfering with bird flu that is usual, we deal with it all the time, and we just watch and let it take its course. Why this propaganda?
The COVID mRNA gene injection failed, failed in terms of benefit and was harmful, killing people. Do we trust these people with any vaccine? No, under no condition. Is there any indication today that this is a concern? No. Do we lockdown? No. Do we close school? No. Do we wear masks? No. Do we mass vaccinate? No.
Nothing. We always make our own decisions and take common sense precautions. But today we do nothing. We see nothing showing us this H5N1 is infectious to humans, spreads among humans, or is lethal.
I agree with McCullough here that we may be looking at:
“gain-of-function avian influenza spreading intentionally by mallard ducks all across America. Mass PCR testing will raise the case count and drive “biosecurity measures” as the man-made crisis develops into a full blown pandemic operation.”
IMO this is man-made fraud right in front of our eyes. And I want to see and hear a strong statement by POTUS Trump that on his re-election that he will not:
1)fall for this PCR over-cycled process fraud again
2)he will not lockdown or allow frauds and criminals like Fauci and Birx types lead any response to any public health issue, ending in deliberate unsound specious dangerous lockdowns
3)he will not close schools
4)he will not close businesses
5)he will not allow any mask mandates
6)he will not allow any mass vaccination, will not mandate (he has said this), will not buy into any vaccine fraud again.
7)that he will commit to that any drug, medical device, vaccine put onto the American people etc. must ALWAYS undergo the proper safety testing, for the proper extended durations of follow up, using the proper research designs etc. and that he will never again allow any LIABILITY PROTECTION for vaccine makers and government officials and doctors when if it is safe, you would not need any PROTECTION from LIABILITY.
I share McCullough’s recent substack:

WHO Chief Scientist Sir Jeremy Farrar Lathered Up for a Global Bird Flu Pandemic (
‘Pandemic pundits have said avian influenza H5N1 reporting is just “fear porn” and that more discussion is just fanning the flames. One has to wonder why anyone would downplay strong messaging coming from Dr. Jeremy Farrar, Chief Scientist at the World Health Organization. Farrar was at the Wellcome Trust when he conspired with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, and Dr. Kristian Andersen to conceal the laboratory origins of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan.
On 19 February 2020, Farrar, along with 26 other scientists, published as a co-author of the Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19, which declared “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.” This document is a noose around his neck as the facts have emerged on the laboratory creation of SARS-CoV-2 in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Now listen to Farrar on bird flu. He has been working on this infection since 2004. He is very confident the virus is poised to spread from human to human and is more than lathered up for a vaccine campaign. He never mentions why the historical human mortality rate in animal handlers has been high, especially late presentation and lack of adequate medical care. His concerned eyes are all about the WHO in taking complete control over the building crisis.
I follow in the clip with Ms Miriam Shaw, outfitted with her smart glasses who takes on the WHO and we lay out the fact pattern on gain-of-function avian influenza spreading intentionally by mallard ducks all across America. Mass PCR testing will raise the case count and drive “biosecurity measures” as the man-made crisis develops into a full blown pandemic operation.
For the pundits, we are calling this crisis before it happens and have been giving practical recommendations so people around the world can protect themselves, particularly farm workers. That’s not “fear-porn” that’s responsible pandemic preparedness.’
See my prior stacks:
(100) Robert Redfield LIED (former CDC Director under Trump), openly to the American people about the deadly Malone Bourla Bancel Weissman et al. mRNA vaccine; he lied when he said it saved lives like how (
(100) The 6-foot social distancing rule we know conclusively was MADE up, arbitrary, bullshit, I did not lie when I TOLD the world Bob Redfield informed me at HHS it was made up; yet I was attacked in media (
(100) Is Gain-of-Function (GoF) as a science, a tool to increase infectiousness &/or lethality of pathogen? Yes! Was it used for this entity we dealt with in the fake FRAUD non-pandemic COVID? IMO, no! I (

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander