Truth World

Trump now says he is going to BUILD migrant detention camps & deploy the US military to mass deport all Biden-Obama brought in! Oh my God, there is a God after all! Yes, every illegal MUST be deported

& we are talking of 40 million across last 30 years; everyone, man, woman, child MUST be deported, terrorists, jihadist, islamists, murderers, rapists, JIHAD by illegal immigration due to Obama/Biden
I stand with POTUS Trump on this and will help and we will hold him to his word and he best not balk and bullshit us, we got fucked on the wall (well, Paul ‘Benedict Arnold’ and Mitch McConnell did all they could to destroy 45’s first 2 years and no border wall funding and now the traitor Speaker Mike Johnson just did same with the 90 billion $ foreign aid money to Ukraine, Taiwan et al. yet not one dollar, not 1$ for US border security yet the liar traitor prior stated no foreign aid unless border funding is part of it, then he fucked us like the FISA 702 AGAIN warrantless searches) but we heard the words and will hold you to it 45!!
There is no vetting, we dont know the diseases, the crime they bring, we will need to be forceful and dramatic to remove every single illegal, I do not care if child either, this is MADNESS, USA cannot survive if this is not reversed.…from Obama to now Biden, every illegal. We MUST round up and deport them all. And at the same time close the border for a ‘season’, mass deportation must accompany border closer and end anchor baby fraud instantly POTUS Trump in the first hour as POTUS. Militarize the border too. Must. No sane nation does this, no sane nation floods their borders with 15 to 25 illegal persons who come unvetted and many are killers and rapists, military aged men. This is MADNESS, this is suicide and America has been invaded by Biden and Obama…this is holy war, a jihad by illegal immigration…facilitated by Biden and Obama and these 2 both know many of these illegals will rape, stable, murder our children, our daughters, our wives and peoples.
We are watching and listening to each word on this, POTUS Trump.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander