Truth World

Are escalating harms & deaths & cancers due to the Bourla Bancel Weissman Sahin Kariko Malone et al. mRNA technology mRNA gene injection (vaccine?) the actual “DISEASE X” that they will blame on

avian bird flu? This conjured up created fake H5N1 highly pathogenic virus in birds, leaping to cattle, then humans? Redfield was sent out to sell it to us with double talk? he said 2 things
1)vaccine worked so hooray
2)vaccine harms and kills so oh shit Redfield is saying

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Redfield said both. What insanity. What garbage. Redfield was untruthful and I have no other way to say it.
The nation needs truth Robert, no more bullshit. Please fix your statements with Cuomo.
He lied, I have said this and will say it again, we have no evidence, none that it worked in the elderly even. That is all bullshit, but it seems they are ramping up the fear and propaganda with this faux H5N1 fraud and the question is, what will we the public do? How will we react?
Cui bono?
fait accompli? Is this already over? We the people have no choice? They can bring a fake fraud pandemic or crisis when they wish and bring vaccines as a result?
Is this the model of:
1)create a crisis
2)drive fear and hysteria and panic in reaction
3)you who created the crisis then offer the solution?
Are we forever in Cloward-Piven mode?
So, are the harms from the Malone mRNA vaccine what they will say is due to the fraud H5N1? And sell H5N1 in that way? And will they drive the madness again, the lies, the PSY OP, the lockdowns, the masking, all of it, all of the FAILED COVID lockdown lunacy, the OPERATION that is more certainly a continuation of the OERATION NORTHWOODS type operation?
Look at this:

Califf and his bullshit:

Is this really out of our hands anymore due to the coming election to be stolen and it is really fait accompli?
That the FDA commissioner can go in a congressional hearing and state that they are preparing (so they have intel) that 1 n 4 Americans will die with this new H5N1, so 25% of those infected? That we will have a bird flu pandemic. Do you think this is some natural zoonoses? I think 100% if this was coming, it is not. This is MADNESS being created and brought to us. But I do not even think that it is real.
Are we actually watching these beasts, these devils in human form, create something deadly to harm us? Would they do it now? Dr. Robert Redfield (flat wrong on the COVID vaccines and lockdowns) is telling us YES…but why is he the messenger (see below)?
We have no indication, NONE, that this H5N1 (IMO fraud) is lethal to humans, or spreads to humans or efficiently spreads (or at all) human to human. None. 1 or 2 possible spread from infected animals ever in US. And we still are unsure if they were.
But is this the new drive to bring bird flu vaccine? To mass vaccinate people? To mass vaccinate animals? To drive us to take Tamiflu? To bring new MONEY making drugs?
Tamiflu (oseltamivir) was a failed drug in search of a disease, and they gave it 2009 swine flu pandemic (H1/NI) much the same that Remdesivir was a failed drug, and they gave it COVID. We also know that Remdesivir gives symptoms so severe that it mimics severe COVID. Did we really have a pandemic of severe Remdesivir symptoms? That we claimed was end stage COVID? Which failed drug will H5N1 get? Should we rely on our common sense and make decisions about our own risk? I mean, what the media is saying and the CDC, they make you want to jump off the cliff now…on the verge of killing all the cows in the world. Well at least the manic Karens and Kens among us who still wear 5 masks in the shower.
Yet do we trust our own judgement, make our own decisions about what we will do with our bodies and what steps we will take on any of this bullshit H5N1 bird flu fraud?
Do we simply take precautions, always strongly protect the vulnerable among us e.g. granny, and just live life normal when these maniacs bring this fraud? There is an election to be stolen and short of bankrupting Trump who as I write is sure to win in November 2024, they will move (the left, the deepstate cabal, RINOs etc.) to assassinate him.
But look at what McCullough (a hero of mine) shared on Twitter based on Redfield’s recent appearances (I have already told you Redfield was 100% wrong to state what he did about the mRNA vaccines saving lives, that was a flat lie, see my stack here):

Cui bono?
Did Redfield basically tell us that we have no choice, that they are bringing the H5N1 as the new fraud pandemic to steal the election etc. and that it is likely due to lab creation?

Yet would the evildoers actually deliberately create a more pathogenic H5N1 version? Is he trying to sell the lab leak bullshit? I said prior that I do not buy the wet market zoonosis spillover fraud or lab-leak for COVID not would I buy zoonosis ‘natural’ spillover for H5N1 (see substack here, I do believe they do manipulations in lab with gain-of-function or whatever is the term, but we argue this is more gain-of-fiction, or claim-of-function (Couey), this was not due to lab leak):

So is H5N1 bird flu fraud, a next fake pandemic to help steal Trump’s coming win (‘pandemic’ is a made-up word, we have never had one, at least that we can attest to and COVID was never a pandemic, it was a PCR-manufactured lie, a fake event driven by the lie of asymptomatic transmission (that never was), the lie of recurrent infection pre-Omicron era, and the lie of equal risk of severe outcome if exposed despite differential in baseline risk and age)? That all of COVID was a lie, a non-pandemic fraud.
That no lockdown anywhere in the world worked, no school closure, no shielding, no business closure, no mask mandates, no vaccine…nothing worked. Yet these bastards will move to try this again…will we let them?
I say 100% no lockdown, no school closure, no business closure, no masks, no mandates are need for this H5N1 fraud. No vaccine. Did not work in COVID and will not work with this new fake pandemic BS. There is nothing we are seeing warrants any actions. And certainly nothing from COVID. All lockdown lunatic actions actually harmed.
What do we do? Do we have a choice? Do we use cheap natural home remedies salt and water saline solutions, cheap Xylitol based products like XLEAR, povidone iodine (PI) or hydrogen peroxide type compounds, diluted (swish and spit, no swallow, Q-tip), to keep our nasal and oral and pharynx passages clean? Do we lean on Tamiflu? Precautionary principle? Modestly effective Tamiflu? Cui bono? Would the deepstate cabal bring us a new fraud drug?
See XLEAR here:
Cui bono?
Is the WHO part of the cabal bringing this fake H5N1 (Disease X) to help steal Trump’s election and help mainstream their treaty?
Cui bono?

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander