Truth World

Et tu Doc Malik? No, say it isn’t so, not you! Doc Malik I know is straight up, but now I see this on Twitter (Torma) & smacks of what TWC faced with some Canadian experts & US experts, tantamount to

extortion! so medical doctors, scientists who emerged out of this COVID clusterfuck, feel you can talk to a company, ask them for UNREAL demands, if they can’t pay, you smear them? slander them?
So, am I understanding that Malik met with TWC leadership to discuss possible operation in UK/Europe, made demands, TWC said cannot do that, then he goes on attack? Help me understand this for it stinks to high heavens.
Yet he ends the message below referring to TWC as ‘beautiful people’…so is TWC, its CEO Coulson, its employees beautiful and lovely and great to someone ‘if’ there is prospect of money, but if there is none, then they can smear and slander same TWC? Is this fair?

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

This Twitter by Jim Torma (based on an email to TWC from Doc Malik) raises serious questions about the day by day attacks TWC has been undergoing by the likes of the Amazing Polly et al. etc., so you really want money, and if you can’t get it from a company like TWC, if they cannot pay because cannot afford or your demands are crazy or they do not even have a viable business, then you attack them in social media? You use your ‘little’ insignificant ‘loser’ followers to attack them? Who then smear and slander.
So, this is the basis of the media attacks and smears? This is what COVID developed. You people tried to extort and TWC et al. says no and then you use Twitter and Substack to smear them? I know Malone does this all the time using TWITTER and Substack out of envy, pettiness, irrelevance etc. but I did not know others do it for outright money.
How is this fair to any operating business? Is this what COVID did? Showed us the unbridled greed in scientists and doctors? Why should any business entity talk to any COVID linked Freedom Fighter doctor or scientist? These doctors seem deranged. Too big for their shoes. With their hubris, self-important, bizarre self-worth…this is extortion…near blackmail…quid pro quo even…in a weird way.
Now is this demand, if true, by Doc Malik, reasonable? Do you, who read this, make this kind of money? Can you ask this of your boss?
Do you now understand the basis of TWC’s attacks, by all of them, even those who write their Substack attacks, fixated, fetishes with TWC, cannot write without invoking them, yet is it all to do with money? What a shame…now this makes my blood boil for now I understand the smears and of good people and companies. It is due to greed, pure greed. Unreasonableness.

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander