Truth World

The Darien Gap (Darién Gap) from Colombia into Panama; President-elect José Raúl Mulino says he will SHUT it down; this is a geographical region we DO NOT discuss but we SHOULD! If this 100 mile long

40 mile wide piece of harsh jungle and marshland ever become ‘PASSSABLE’, made so by SOUTH or CENTRAL American governments, criminals, DRUG lords, it is GAME OVER for America & Canada
The Darién Gap is a break in the Pan-American Highway consisting of a large swath of undeveloped swampland and forest. It is considered one of the harshest most difficult regions to pass and survive in IF you decide to cross it. Purpose of this stack is to remind, President-elect José Raúl Mulino says he will SHUT it down and we need to work with the governments of South America to ensure this area is never made PASSABLE. If the Gap is ever made easy to traverse with roads etc., then we could literally and overnight, see the entire South America headed to USA and US governments like that of Obama and Biden INC. and even Republicans with Speakers like Mike Johnson, doing nothing to stop it. In fact, they will facilitate.
This one treacherous piece of land, 100 miles long, near 50 wide, is the one piece of rough, tough, dense jungle and marsh that limits the US being fully invaded today by South American illegals.
It must remain so. Yes, our borders to South America today must be closed for several years and all illegals removed from USA, those from within Biden administration (Biden-Obama) and from the Obama-Biden’s, as well as Bush et al. In other words, all illegals who came to US the last 30 years must be removed and today, given how Biden INC. has invaded USA and allowed any and everyone who turns up at the border FREE entry including jihadists and rapists and murderers, then if it were not for the Darién Gap, then during Biden’s last near 4 years, 100 million illegals would have been inside USA. The Gap must remain highly treacherous and there must be no move to make it passable. US government must in this case, work with those governments and local entities to keep Gap ‘as is’.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander