Truth World

The lied about COVID asymptomatic transmission, it NEVER was! Not one case! You fear contagion and what you cannot see, so they used this to scare you & you bought it! With the PCR manufactured fake

pandemic…it is not that COVID is OVER, COVID never was! something they did years now, maybe 2015 (Menachery & Baric) was always circulating & did impact some high risk elderly etc. with ILI
respiratory symptoms, but these were high-risk elderly with co-morbid conditions, e.g. median age of Italians they spooked us with in January 2020 was about 84 years with 3 grave medical conditions…Italians have highest COPD globally…of course they were dying…a cold would kill them…like it kills us with the same compromised advanced age profile…but the vast majority, 95% of those who died, died not from any COVID virus or entity they cooked up for the battlefield or similar and it got out…no, it was benign, always circulating…years now, we were detecting something we knew was there…benign…they used PCR to detect something that was there…and we were immune to…and PCR cycled beyond 24 will say anything is positive…
we were also immune to it, see Diamond Princess etc…see French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle etc. that was our petri dish and it said we had no problems with whatever this was…but we pretended…
e.g. husband on Diamond Princess had illness, he died, locked in with wife in cabin for weeks, she got nothing…how come? 5 x 5 space…how come? initial legacy Wuhan infectious lethal strain?…how come? unless our immune systems saw this prior January 2020…

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

we created a fake pandemic with the fraud PCR process…the lie of asymptomatic spread, and the lie of equal risk of severe outcomes if exposed regardless of age and baseline risk…what utter bullshit…we were so lied to…
the fraud fake COVID PCR-induced non-pandemic virus (whatever they cooked up in some lab (s) & wherever) that caused ILI respiratory symptoms in high-risk persons, that killed!
Whatever it was, it is done, over! 3 years now….It actually never was but you were so fearful, you complied…but stop, no more fear, no more fear porn!…heard that Malone, no more bullshit fear porn summits etc…you all look like lunatics now…pure grift fest…money whores…the whole bunch of you…
there was no pandemic, all we had to do was NOTHING…nothing. just always protect vulnerable. a pandemic of madness, fear, was created…and most died, 95% via the deadly hospital medical system treatment of our high-risk vulnerable persons…isolation, DNR orders, dehydration, fear, no antibiotics, propofol, midazolam sedation, Remdesivir, ventilator etc. end stage severe pneumonia, with bacterial and viremia sepsis due to no antibiotics, no proper treatment.
if judges agree and juries, I say death by firing squad for all involved in the fraud COVID, from lockdowns to mRNA Malone Bourla Bancel et al. mRNA vaccine, even medical doctors who partook.
No amnesty, firing squad.

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander