Truth World

Yes, & the landscape is clear, DJT aka 45 aka Donald Trump did what he was supposed to do as a POTUS which is to make a strategic decision based on the high-level expert counsel % advice of his staff

staff. They serve at the pleasure of the POTUS but are there to advise; he trusted them, WRONGFULLY; he was no scientist or doctor & we were facing a crisis that involved medicine & science; they lied
DJT made decisions based on what he was told as to the COVID pandemic and was given advice by experts. He trusted, he had no reason to NOT believe them. So his decisions were based on the lens he saw COVID from, that it was indeed a deadly pandemic as informed by his experts, and millions of Americans would die and we needed a vaccine.
That was his lens.
He was a real estate builder all his life, yes, now POTUS, but he had to depend on scientific experts.
He did.
As you have come to learn, DJT was greatly misled, deceived, as none of COVID was true and it is here I argue you have to not blame DJT, or POTUS Trump for had COVID been true, you would have concluded he was the best thing since sliced bread and placed him on Rushmore. Versus had he come out March 2020 and said despite what media said was happening all over the world, despite this Fauci going on all media talking about this COVID thing, I DJT, will NOT lock down or bring any vaccine. You would have wanted him 25th and run out of Dodge as a lunatic builder fronting as a doctor or scientist, not listening to REAL experts.
Turns out he should have trusted his gut instincts…he trusted the experts who were the ‘enemy within’…working to conspire against him and topple him…
they did. Combined with a stolen election.
DJT was no scientist or doctor, and we were facing a crisis that involved medicine and science…he needed their expert honest non-biased technical advice…he got nothing of the sort. All was devised to undercut, to deceive and mislead him and topple him…read my book, PRESIDENTIAL TAKEDOWN

(100) Trump was 100% right! Had we ‘really’ HAD a novel COVID virus (we did not) of pandemic potential (COVID was NEVER a pandemic as it used an over-cycled RT-PCR process to manufacture a ‘false-positive’ (

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander