Truth World

Jen Psaki, I have always wondered how you and Marie Barff did not face investigations for the IMO questionable acts under Obama & Hilary, now you hitting Trump for ‘BLOODBATH’? you morons

you bbiissshhheess know, you BIOTCHES know he means a bloodbath in terms of an economic hit as well as destruction of the rule of law, the electoral process being stolen etc…you bbiissshhheesss!

You know I did not say bitch, I wanted to call Jen a bitch, a lying bitch, like how I call Jha a lying son-of-a-bitch and Hahn a criminal mRNA vaccine bitch and Bourla a filthy beelzebub bitch…but for tonight, so you don’t go getting the vapors and clutch your pearls, I will call them just bbiisshhheeesss…
good, happy now?

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander