Truth World

POTUS Trump (aka ’45’) November 2024, MAGA! No one is a better option than 45, Biden is senile IN YOUR FACE, all rest are clown car buffoons save Kennedy Jr. but too far gone in Malone unholy alliance

Problem is, 45 worries me, he is silent on the key issues we are raising re the fraud of the COVID, the lockdowns, the deadly Malone Bourla mRNA vaccine, STILL praising it when it killed! I do not
understand 45 here, he is flat wrong, 100% wrong yet continues this line which has him exposed.
I love the guy and support him 100%, with all his faults and prior mistakes, as no one is perfect, and I know he was misled and deceived deliberately and toppled from the inside. I was there. And, he is the best chance we have to right wrongs.
But he has to work with the fraud COVID situation and come clean now, and speak to the public about the wrongs. He has to tell us, explicitly, what he will do differently next time, this time, if given the shot again…he has to…he has to tell us what he will do about the malfeasance and lunacy of the lockdowns whereby the body of evidence showed all lockdowns failed…
Trump must stand up and really BUILD the EFF in wall, not no slat fence crap like now, a real thick concrete wall 1000 feet high, 50 feet thick, seen from outer space…manned with 50 caliber soldiers…no jihadists, no rapists or murderers coming in…
we will give him and 3rd and 4th term if he builds the wall he promised! with no holes.
Again, I support him and will do all I can to get him to the WH but he has to stop this insane set of statements about the lockdowns and the vaccine, it is not just insane, it is dangerous now. He cannot be seeing all we see yet state that. Something is not adding up! and don’t give me no 5th dimensional chess crap etc. stop that now!
stop living in la la land!
The thing is I think he does the American people great disservice not standing up now against the failed COVID lockdowns and vaccine…To imagine he is running and still praising lockdowns and vaccine is horrendous. I want him back on tap 2nd term and working to help him and thus he must have the chance to reverse all the wrongs they did to him and America including deporting every last of the illegals, all 40 million in US now, all 10 million who came under Biden, all who came illegally the last 30 years including children…ALL…and starting from there…if you present to a US consulate with a valid US birth certificate (not the one Obama had, a valid one, not the Hawaii one from the lady who gave it to him and died in the plane crash soon after, not that type), and you did not commit rape or pedophilia like many priests in ALL religions not just Christianity, and like many in the bitcoin world (go ask those being funded by crypto in the Global COVID Summit aka now the International Crisis Summit from CPAC….go ask them cough cough), like many in congress and the senate and MPs and MPPs and the like, like many in high society elites who fly around on private jets….go ask Bill Clinton aka slick Willey, ask him, ask Matt Schlapp of CPAC cough cough….about pedophilia….he might be able to help you out…or was that just consensual sex…was that a minor???? I will call CPAC and ask them…and if you did not commit murder, then you must be allowed back into America, no questions…but you get out and then return…so you see I have a soft heart…after all…
but POTUS Trump is worrying me, I see signs, yet at the same time, I see no one else at this time more able than he to burn DC down and take it down to the studs, putting cases on all them evil bitches in DC, to jail many, many in his past administration and Biden’s, criminals they are, all linked to the fraud COVID and the deadly vaccine…all…he has the stones to even hang them, I know Trump, he gots the balls for that and I like that….I like the vengeance in him, the retribution…we must have it and he is the one…Trump is….I, like many of you need to see hangings of even people we know, our homies….the ones we prance around with even now….COVID parties….once we show in courts with judges and juries that they killed by their COVID policy actions…knowingly, unknowingly, who cares…once your actions killed you must hang…once we put Malone and Bancel and Kariko and Sahin et al. in court rooms under oath…and get answers…we will know who to hang for the deadly mRNA technology vaccine…so we will abide and go through courts. First and let the legal system do its thing. None shall escape.
I want any and everyone linked to the fraud of COVID and the vaccine to be investigated properly and sit in courts under oath.

Alexander COVID News_PCR created fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

But 45 is worrying me, I see worrying signs, he is silent on the key issues…he is wrong on the lockdowns or vaccine being beneficial….there is no evidence of that and I am staggered by this misguided set of statements, repeatedly…
we do not need that, we need him vocal standing against the mRNA Malone Bourla vaccines….and thus we must hold his feet to the fire and ensure he speaks it out so he cannot say he did not promise…he must reverse LIABILITY PROTECTION under the PREP ACT, retroactive so we could clean these medical doctor and vaccine maker and health agency beasts out financially, he must set up a victim compensation fund for all harmed by COVID lockdowns and mRNA vaccine…to start…he must set up a new acute adverse effect vaccine surveillance system and shut down the dysfunctional VAERS…he must build many gallows right on the White House lawn, and ensure we get all into court houses and hang them on the White House lawn, those who COVID and vaccine actions killed needlessly, recklessly…once judges and juries say they must hang, and we include many in the media, to be hung, many, who lies were set to deceive people, the public on COVID…once it is shown in courts…
Hang them high on the White House lawn…start looking into this 65 miscreants right here in this list…I give 45 a head start….line them up on the White House lawn and if judges say must hang, right away, onto the gallows…only if judges and juries and courts say so…not you or I…we follow law…

Dr. Francis Collins (head of NIH)
Matt Hancock (Midazolam Matt)
Belinda Gates
Uğur Şahin (CEO BioNTech)
Dr. Peter Marks
Dr. Katalin Karikó
Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister)
Jeremy Farrar
D Hinshaw
Dr. Peter Hotez
Dr. Leana Wen
Sanjay Gupta (CNN)
Bill Gates
College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta
Dr. Janet Woodcock
Albert Bourla (CEO Pfizer)
College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO)
Amanda Pritchard (NHS)
Bojo Johnson (Boris) Prime Minister
Dr. Robert Malone
Stéphane Bancel (CEO Moderna)
David Fisman, Public Health Professor Ontario
Christine Grady (ethics NIH)
Mandy Cohen
Paul Offit
Andrea Horwath
Xavier Becerra (HHS’s new head)
Dr. Drew Weissman
Dr. Anthony Fauci
Dr. Howard Njoo
Dr. Scott Gottlieb
All hospital CEOs who approved COVID death protocol
Premier Doug Ford (Ontario)
Michael Osterholm
Dr. Deborah Birx
College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA)
Dr. Bonnie Henry
Alex Azar (Secretary HHS)
Dr. Theresa Tam
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO)
Dr. Rochelle Walensky (CDC Director)
Dr. Stephen Hahn (FDA Commissioner)
Mark Zuckerburg
Jack Dorsey
Moncef Slaoui
Eric Topol
Gadde, Baker, Roth, Agrawal (TWITTER)
Supriya Sharma, Health Canada/PHAC
Isaac Bogoch, Infectious Disease Physician
Jacinda Ardern
Dr. Eric Fiegl-ding
Dr. Asish Jha
Jason Kenney (Premier Alberta)
CNN e.g. Cuomo, Gupta etc.
FOX News e.g. Siegel
The New York Times Editorial Board
Andrew Cuomo (New York Governor)
Andrew Hill
Tom Frieden

Alexander COVID News_PCR created fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander