Truth World

Mentally incapacitated, too old, 97% say Biden is gone! SHARYL ATTKISSON’S shocking X poll, unscientific, scientific, who the hell cares, lets talk what we see & know, Biden is SENILE, dementia (ered)

sad reality is Democrats cannot 25th him as Kamala polled ZERO in her own primary, no democrat likes or wants Madame VP Giggles & cackles, unlikeable & dumb, Republicans want him there to run on

The nation is in trouble, we have a POTUS who cannot do the job, we all know if you have to walk him off stage, its gone too far! I feel sorry for him and no one must make a mockery or joke of him, we will all get there in some manner. This is life and I wish he goes off to his retirement et al. I detest his politics et al. but this piece says I am sorry for him and do not like to see old people abused this way. He is being abused. No doubt they drugged POTUS up for that speech. I am no fool. Maybe they accustomed drugging up POTUSs and other big speakers to get them on stage. But we are not playing a game here. Biden invaded America and now we have 10 million more illegals due to him and Obama and many are hard terror cell terrorists, jihadists who WILL gang rape and kill us, it is booked, coming, we will face terror attacks now within US due to Obama and Biden and Bush before and all of them. This is the gravest challenge facing America, the millions of North African, Middle Eastern, Latin, Chinese military aged men who will kill us soon. Rapists, murderers, terrorists, that who Biden set upon us. and yes, Obama is really serving his 3rd term.
Biden lit the funeral pyres of Americans and Trump or whoever the hell becomes POTUS must deport every last illegal who entered US the last 30 years, man, woman, child and at same time close the border for 10 years, no IMMIGRATION. I dont care for no reason. Close the EFF in border and the one with Canada too. We need an accounting of who is IN America and remove those that do not belong.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander