Truth World

JORDAN SCHACHTEL’s ‘how to lie with statistics’ as he handles FACT that none of the Malone Bourla Bancel et al. mRNA gene injections worked, not ONE & that really, POTUS Trump must STOP saying this

not one of the vaccine worked and no lockdown worked, they all KILLED! Robert Malone & Drew Weissman’s and Bourla’s vaccine killed our parents and children, they MUST legally pay!
Trump must stop saying that the lockdowns worked or the mRNA technology vaccines worked, for the facts are clear, they never worked and actually killed.
Trump must face the fact that nothing, zero about it, was true! 100% of COVID was a manufactured lie and I feel strongly today that Malone is not only linked to the deadly mRNA vaccine, but he is wrapped up in the entirety of the fraud of COVID, Remdesivir…all of it…we just need him under oath with the rest of the 66 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse. We can speculate, we need him under oath. Not pretend ‘hearings’, we mean sworn under oath, punishable with jail for lies…

Alexander COVID News_PCR created fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin et al. must be made to answer questions under oath in prior courts, hearings. For they deaths they caused by bringing technology and vaccine that was never safety tested using the proper long-term studies that would have shown that the technology was unsafe as well as the vaccine.
These IMO are criminals, hiding in plain sight and Malone is unique for he is so very scared of his mRNA technology harms, he is trying to lead the opposition against the very mRNA technology he brought…its breath takingly fascinating…he did not have the balls, the stones to defend the death he created…at least Kariko had stones, Malone should ask her to lend him some stones.

Bourla, Bancel, Sahin, Malone, Weissman et al. must all be investigated properly and proper judges examine what they did with mRNA technology and vaccine, what they knew about harms and when did they know it. Judges will decide punishment if it is found they killed and mRNA vaccine linked deaths are due to them and their negligence and IMO malfeasance. Judges.

The Dossier

All major Covid vaccines worldwide were once declared 100% effective, but zero actually worked

40 vaccine candidates worldwide were approved by governments to confer high levels of protection against Covid-19, but none of them actually worked. So how exactly did this happen? As we approach the Fourth Year To Slow The Spread of the rebranded flu, it’s time to start examining the methods through which the world was fooled into conforming to and comp…
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3 days ago · 166 likes · 39 comments · Jordan Schachtel

Alexander COVID News_PCR created fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander