Truth World

The Wellness Company ( update: TWC USA remains thriving & expanding but the Canadian Government constrains ANY alternative parallel health systems; hence on March 1st Canadian wing

was closed; I decided to update you given my support of TWC, along with fine doctors such as Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. James Thorp etc. I work with as we support TWC technically.
Thus the move in Canada by powers at be was to stifle and thwart any attempts at doing business (by TWC Canada or similar business entities) and offering alternative BETTER health systems and better health care to Canadians. The type of alternatives offered by TWC.
Why? Because big Pharma owns the health system in Canada, across provinces, and heavily influences the government of Canada. I write here not for TWC, but this is my opinion and my update to you.

Alexander COVID News_PCR created fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

This results in the routine failed ALLOPATHIC medicine ruling and dominating, and the usual crooked corrupt medical doctors operating, colluding, who forced lockdowns on the public and enforced the mRNA technology deadly vaccine (Moderna, Pfizer, BioNTech) continuing status quo, all in collusion, complicity, an unholly alliance with BIG pharmaceutical companies to enrich themselves.
The attacks on TWC were aggressive for the powers at be saw the scope of TWC, its vision, what it was capapble of doing and offering, and decided that TWC must be pummelled into withdrawal. In short, Canadians live with a very corrupt Canadian big Pharma controlled healthcare, medical system. With this in place, then we must ask, cui bono? Who benefits?
Regretfully the Canadian operation of TWC has been closed (for now I have been informed). Let me end by expressing deep appreciation for my brothers and sister in arms Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Dr. Julie Ponesse, Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. William Makis who were part of the former TWC Canadian arm and were paid. I personally referenced them to be part of the TWC operations when Mr. Foster Coulson was searching for top notch scientists and doctors to be part of the Canadian arm.
I also wish to thank Mr. Foster Coulson who is owner of TWC and who initiated the Canadian arm of TWC and who gave my Canadian colleagues (named above) the income opportunity and invested heavily yet faced a Hadrian’s Wall with the Government of Canada. The landscape in Canada is just too unfriendly to entities seeking to operate in an alternative medicine space. I am confident that once the atmosphere and landscape changes in Canada, when TWC can reconcile with the regulatory steps in Canada, that TWC will have a dominant space there given the tremendous options TWC offers and the tremendous success TWC has experienced in the US thus far.
Again, after long deliberation, Mr. Foster Coulson (find them at made the business decision to cease the operation of the Canadian arm of TWC. Experts and doctors were being paid yet there was no scope for operation given constraints by the landscape. TWC was burning through cash paying persons when no Canadian business was operating. TWC still kept experts on strength the last months in the hopes that operations in Canada would initiate. When this did not happen, the difficult decision was made to close TWC Canada. At this time there is no potential for TWC Canada in terms of a Canadian wing. Again, I am sure this will change in short course.
From a business case point of view, this was the only avenue given TWC had doctors and scientists (Dr. William Makis, Dr. Julie Ponesse etc.) on income $ yet the business of TWC could not expand as planned or even get going in Canada. This was regretful and as mentioned, Mr. Coulson has disbanded the Canadian arm of TWC.
Mr. Coulson has signalled that he is continuing to find ways to initiate TWC within Canada. Yet at this time the Canadian evvironment has signalled that any alternative parallel health system is persona non grata.

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To close, at this time, the US arm of TWC continues in full flight, thriving, meeting the needs of the members, and expanding. Once again, if ways to service the Canadian public emerge that fall within the legal framework of Canada, within the regulatory laws, then Mr. Coulson will enter the Canadian market to bring medical freedom to Canadians, continuing to strive to be a company focused on Wellness with incredible doctors, treatments, and products. TWC will always operate within the legal framework of any nation it initiates operations in.
Onwards we march as we slay the fraud COVID pandemic and mRNA technology vaccine monsters!

Alexander COVID News_PCR created fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander