Truth World

Hypervaccinated obvious lunatic, additional questions besides what is in the substack below: 1)did they examine harmful effects via high-sensitivity troponin test? 2)did they do D-dimer test for micro

thrombotic clots? 3)if no Sig A (secretory A immunoglobulin) was detected in saliva (Bridle communication stack); then how safe & effective were those 217 shots? natural immunity?
How effective can the shots be if no Sig A detected in nasal mucosa? Where virus lands (or is supposed to land if this was true). How can they say it was safe, the over 200 shots, when they did not do the correct appropriate safety tests? The LANCET fails again publishing this nonsense garbage!
See my substack here:

EUGYPPIUS’s substack is very good, highlighting the nutcase moron European hypervaccinator man who took 217 COVID vaccines & reports are he had high antibody levels; huge PROBLEMS that Kocker et al.

Dr. Paul Alexander
Mar 7

NOTHING if the recall antibodies are to the initial Wuhan legacy strains note original antigenic sin (OAS) where the recall or response antibodies are to the initial prime or exposures (so initial vaccine e.g. immune imprinting, immune fixation etc.); so antibody titres mean NOTHING in the context of COVID vaccines and 2)there is no discussion of NATURA…

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See Bridle’s substack here (support):

COVID Chronicles

Caulfield: Your Overly Brief Social Media Posts Are Sometimes Dangerous

Wow, I have responded to some public requests to address questions about social media posts made by Canadian ‘misinformation’ ‘expert’ Timothy Caulfield, and now I find myself flooded with more requests. And I can’t help but respond to yet another one because the amount of potential harm to the public is too great…
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a day ago · 28 likes · 9 comments · Dr. Byram W. Bridle

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander