Truth World

Dr. Katalin Karikó, are you a liar? You with Drew Weissman are credited with the mRNA technology (deadly) yet Malone said he mentored you, knew you; did he lie? you Karikó said you did not know him

and that he has overstated his accomplishments in mRNA…so he is lying about you? what else is Malone lying about? he overstated? so you mean he is full of shit? a blowhard? I think so…a con
Issue is I figured him out…I figured them all out, all the cons, I call them now the dirty dozen…you Karikó must tell us what he meant by it will not end good for you para…IMO this was a threat…who else has Malone threatened…I think this Atlantic piece by Karikó was a clarion call to us for help….from Malone…we know he threatens many yet runs around playing victim, meantime sending his lowlife lackies to pound people who question his fraud.
I wish to know what Karikó meant?

Problem with Malone is he tried to get fame & money & he did by roaming around with lackies telling all who would listen that he was the father of mRNA technology & he like others, prayed that harms

Dr. Paul Alexander
Feb 22

Yet Malone is special, he wanted to be known as the oracle and the grand daddy of mRNA technology, denying others were key to it, and had Kariko saying he was lying even, that he was a fraud, someone who worked on mRNA technology with him…he who threatened her even…see below….

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander