Truth World

Yesterday I was invited to Durham region Canada to speak to massive crowd supporting Patricia Conlin bid to win the DURHAM riding for the PPC party (headed by Maxime Bernier, I support him); after my

talk on COVID & many issues, what happened happens usually but I share: many lined up to touch, shake my hands, hug me, thank me, saying I saved their life but I was lost for words for I was just
speaking out against the wrong of COVID…they said how I saved their kids no vaccine, yet this is how many feel when people like me and McCullough et al. speak…it was so very touching and I saw and met some of the most special people of the region, of Canada, just beautiful kind people, hard working, built Canada….
and many were there crying, and I was overcome and near broke down; as an example, there were two women, one mother and the other daughter and they were both so emotional, mother hugged and kept whispering to me in my ears how much we helped her for she felt she was INSANE as this is what the government told her and her family and neighbors told her, and she lost them all, and she knew she was not insane, but needed me, McCullough etc. to be her voice to give her strength and she stood with us and now she has the very friends, and family DEAD from the vaccine…her daughter fell into my arms and just weeped…saying ‘thank you, thank you, thank you, we have followed you for 4 years, each talk on stage of Parliament Hill with Hodkinson, your passion and words, that Canadians needed to hear you, Bridle, Hodkinson…”, another family, elderly father, daughter, and mother, the daughter said mother was 92, and reads my substack daily and can’t get enough, the mom, 92, took photos and cried…and boy I near lost it…I confess I have cried in these before for its too much…I get overwhelmed with emotions…some say I get them so amped up they feel to just run down the street screaming for I validate what they knew…
sometimes I get scared that the best of the years have gone by for me, yet these people give me hope I can still make a difference and help and they give me juice…so I love and thank them…

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So I ask you, go vote for Patricia, give PPC a chance, a seat in the provincial legislature, let Maxime have a voice and let him get a shot at PM next year…we cannot do worse than we are doing now in Canada…Trudeau has destroyed Canada and I confess, Pierre votes with the liberals and IMO is not declarative on the wrongs of COVID…moreover, he was a right hand to Harper in the Iraq and Afghanistan war and many wrongs were done there and Canada should have never touched that…ever…we changed as a a blue strong nation…
Maxime Bernier, head of PPC party of Canada, may well be next Prime Minister!

Patricia Conlin, Durham riding special election:

Dr. Paul Alexander’s Newsletter_Alexander News Network is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander