Truth World

POTUS Trump (45), they are not telling you & somehow it is not clear but the LOCKDOWNS all failed, saved not one life & COVID mRNA technology gene based mRNA vaccine failed & was/is DEADLY! FAILED!

I support Trump fully but he is WRONG at this stage to be stating that the lockdowns worked or that the mRNA technology vaccine (Malone, Bancel, Bourla, Weissman et al.) worked; mRNA vaccine KILLED!
Let me state it as clearly as I can since no one seems to have the stones to say it:
There is not one, no, none, not one study, no RCT, no credible study, none of the proper duration, sample size, outcome number, patient-important outcomes, research methods etc., with proper controls for residual confounding, anywhere, in the entire world, for 4 years now, showing any mRNA COVID vaccine, not one, worked to reduce hospitilizations or ICU or severe outcomes or deaths. Not one!

Dr. Paul Alexander’s Newsletter_Alexander News Network is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

The mRNA COVID vaccines, all of them, have failed, never worked and are complete failures, and deadly.
Challenge me, bring your data!
I challenge anyone, at CDC, FDA, Health Canada, NIH…anywhere, any doctor or scientist in the world, to show me one…
You know that these mRNA vaccines based on Malone, Kariko, Sahin, Bourla et al. technology etc. failed and are/were deadly. You know it but you made money…directly or indirectly.
You, you know who you are, remain a criminal and POTUS Trump must now stop making the statement that the COVID vaccine saved lives.
They did not! He was lied to.
I think Trump needs a 2nd term to fix & hang the wrongdoers in COVID (courts, juries) from fake pandemic to deadly lockdowns & mRNA technology mRNA vaccines, and Trump DID get vaccine out in 4 months or so months & not 15 years needed (12 to 15 years especially for harm surveillance to exclude harms), but FDA, NIH, Fauci, Bourla, Bancel, Birx, Hahn et al. lied to him, the mRNA vaccine saved NO lives, did NOT work.
President Trump needs to wake up now and understand, we support him, I want him on deck again for a 2nd shot to do the good I know he had planned, but the lockdowns and mRNA vaccines under OWS were the 2 greatest public health disasters in history (came under him) and killed massive numbers of people; he can be credited with innovating and bypassing the red tap and squeezing out inefficiences in the system and wanting to do all to save lives for he was about saving lives, this is and was a good man, loves his nation and peoples, yet this is based on HAD the fake pandemic been true and it WAS NOT; yet he ‘45’ believed it to be true and he trusted that Fauci & Hahn and the Task Force and deepstate advisors and CDC, NIH, FDA, NIAID etc. health officials, were telling him the truth, but the reality is that they were not, they were lying to him COMPLETELY, misleading him each step of the way and deceiving the nation, and the hard cold reality is that:
1)no lockdown no where in the entire world worked, in fact, they KILLED, not one, no one can point to any lockdown across the world and US in 4 years that worked and I compiled the evidence here of near 500 pieces of evidence

More Than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions (Lockdowns, Restrictions, Closures)

2)the mRNA COVID vaccines never worked, were never efficacious or effective in the real world, drive to negative effectiveness rapidly and were harmful, deadly, causing myocarditis, pericarditis, stroke, bleeding, clotting, aneurysms, dissecting aortic aneurysms, paralysis etc. up to death. see my review here:

Extensive Efficacy Studies that Rebuke Vaccine Mandates
I am urging POTUS Trump to stop now. His statements on lockdowns and vaccine are not contemporary with the science, does not match the reality, as to what has accumulated for 4 years and what we know just based on our own personal experiences of the catastrophic effects of the lockdowns, school closures, business closures, and the deadly mRNA technology mRNA gene injections.
POTUS Trump must cease stating that the lockdowns worked (there is NO evidence of this) or the COVID mRNA vaccines (brought by Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Weissman, Kariko, Sahin, Moncef et al. re MODERNA, Pfizer, BioNTech etc.) worked (there is no evidence of this). None worked, NOTHING worked and had we done NOTHING, far more people would have been alive today. It is our action that killed. In fact, this was NEVER ever a pandemic, this was a fake fraud PCR-manufactured 95% ‘false-positive’ non-pandemic, an asymptomatic spread lie of a non-pandemic with a 0.05% IFR for persons 70-75 years and below who had a 99.998% risk of survival if you bumped up against this so called COVID virus. No healthy child in America, not one, for 4 years, got COVID infection and died, not one! Same in Germany, Sweden etc. Not one healthy child. I mean 0-19 years of age.
It was all a lie, COVID was a lie, the pandemic was a lie, 100% of it, from virus origins to lockdowns, the the vaccine.
It is the devastating COVID response, the denial of treatment as beds were closed off as COVID beds, its the collaterol effects of lockdowns that killed, its the denial of needed antibiotics for bacterial pneumonia often secondary to respiratory infections/illnesses, it is the mRNA vaccine itself that was toxic with the Malone/Bourla mRNA technology within the lipid-nano particle exosome type fatty ball complexes, it is the mRNA vaccine itself, but most critically, it is the medical treatment, the abuse of our vulnerable high-risk persons often from nursing homes, aged-homes, long-term facilities, assisted-living facilities and even our private homes, by the medical system (hospitals, inept corrupted incentivized medical doctors) that killed MOST persons, yes, it is the blackhole high-incentive $ ‘COVID protocol’ across US, Canada, UK etc. of
i)a false-positive PCR ‘process’ denoting as COVID positive when 95% chance you were not for infectious lethal pathogen etc.
ii)isolation, fear…we suffered granny and grandpa as they entered a death spiral
iii)DNR orders against wishes of family who could not see their parent, grand-parent and who could not even bury them when they eventually died at the hands of the medical doctors in hospitals
iv)denial of needed antibiotics
v)sedation with respiratory suppressing agents, paralytics midazolam, propofol, fentanyl, lorazepam, morphine, many other toxic drugs that was killing our parents, our loved ones
vi)Remdesivir that was kidney and liver toxic that drove granny to death
vii)intubation and ventilator that blew massive holes in already damaged lungs and caused ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP)
Everything about COVID was a lie!
It is done now, we need to stop the fear-porn and Malone I state that to you directly, cease it. It is time we focus not on crisis for we have none. If a crisis, it is what your mRNA technology has spawned. You are creating one with your dog and pony travelling shows. Leave the public alone, stop begging people for their money. Spend yours!
It is time we focus on moving forward, live healthy lives, focus on health, wellness, ensuring this never happens again, and we work with courts, juries, tribunals, judges etc. to hang, I mean hang high, until dead, all, anyone who was part of this fake fraud non-pandemic, this culling, this bioweapon, this clear depopulation drive, who killed innocent people with the lockdown lunacy and who killed with the mRNA technology and mRNA vaccine. Let us work with courts and judges for if guilt is shown in causing deaths needlessly, we must impose the maximal punishment. This is where the focus must be as we build back from what these criminals did. Especially to our children.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander