Truth World

POTUS does not run the nation, Trump (45) found that out yet POTUS has lots of power, 45 did not use his; he needs 2nd shot to do this! He will! 45 is not a bad man, those who think, no, rolled, yes,

ego, yes, grand sense of self, yes, etc. etc. etc. but a good person, loves America, his flag, peoples, I know! he won, he really did but not be enough to prevent the steal, what we saw is that the
lockdowns did hurt him, Fauci and Birx and the devils did accomplish what they were placed there to do with the fake non-pandemic, the PCR manufactured asymptomatic spread lie of a non-pandemic; Trump was naive, too green, he was fooled, rolled, deceived in massive ways for he did trust…he did…he trusted his advisors and that 75 minutes tells us all we need to know especially the 59 second when Trump walked back to podium, you can see he was thinking these people are fucking me here and he knew it was over for how could he stand against Fauci and Birx…? look at his eyes and facial twitch…after Fauci 55 to 58 second speech…Fauci said lockdown and Trump did not know up t othat second…the lengths they were going to destroy him…his Presidency…he said ‘oh well’…he could not…we tried fighting them behind the scenes, Atlas, I etc.
All of this was done in part, in part, to topple him and they did…

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this was orchestrated, set up before he came, the fake non pandemic was the ‘insurance’….remember that term??? they used PCR to detect something they released years earlier that was circulating…if real, the world was already immune…they created a fake pandemic and scare with likely multiple releases…not Wuhan, that too is a lie…
US at highest levels of government, big people, have hands in COVID…Wuhan etc. is misdirection.
all of it was a lie…and I am learning too as I read you all too, we all are…we think we know but there is lots we do not and still lots we do…
they chose Trump, they knew they could pull this off with him on tap…a perfect storm.
this is me free associating.
Trump won on Nov 3rd, but the lockdowns hurt him, and many bailed…had he not locked down etc. his win would have been enough that no steal could have gotten it away from him…but he won, yet not enough so once they figured out how many votes to manufacture, they did…but he won…you need to know that…they stole it from him and maybe Republicans do same when they could…its not just Democrats…its all a bunch of filthy people in DC and who run this.
Many players and dark deeds befell us in the last 4 years, one was to topple a sitting POTUS and they used an already circulating entity that they knew was there, they did it, so they knew…never was an issue before…(its the response to the fake lies that killed people, the lockdowns and the medical treatment…not no benign entity) to then ‘detect’ it for the first time, though it was there already, we were largely immune to it, if it were true, and they used the PCR asymptomatic lie to pull it off…did they not? lockdowns and school closures was just the power icing on the cake, none was needed…the dark players used this to take power and they did…you blamed him 45 and kind of right for he allowed Fauci and Birx to kill us with the lockdowns but what else could he do? would you have listened to him if he said fuck them on March 15th 2020?, no lockdowns? you were hiding below your bed, you too was scared….would have said bring the 25th, he is insane. so come on, if after 2 weeks bend the curve, if he came to the stage and said fuck it now, fuck Pence, fuck Fauci, OPEN UP, YOU WOULD HAVE CALLED FOR THE 25TH SAYING HE WAS INSANE…so he was caught…he knew it…they fucked him good. he needs the 2nd shot to hang them all after legal inquiries.
we will get to the bottom of this in time, and we must be prepared to hang many many people, I am serious, going through the courts…

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander