Truth World

No SANE nation has done & is doing what America is doing! We have a sitting POTUS, Biden INC., the cartel of Biden INC. that has INVADED America, Biden INVADED America with islamists, rapists,

murderers, illegals who will take and kill, yes MARA etc., we have terror cells due to ‘Tashfeen’ Obama & Biden, these people have placed the vaginas of your daughters in harms way, GANG rape to come
Biden et al. know what they are doing and have done, they have lit the funeral pyres of Americans…
I say a Trump POTUS or whomever, I want the best person of all the clown car cast of characters running now, the best among the stench, but POTUS Trump must declare that he will deport all, man, woman, child illegal who entered America the last 30 years…all, every one of them…and close the US borders for 10 years. only legal immigration and only based on merit to America…what do you bring to America?

Alexander News Network -Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

so I say, guard your 2nd, ensure your guns are working well, oiled, target practice legal, scopes positioned, packed well, managed well, stored well, legal paperwork, ensure its legal, and get training and be willing to use it once life is imminently threatened, help the police to deal the islamist jihadist medieval 6th century dog… For they will gang rape your daughter, especially if blond and blue eyed, they like them so…guard them, your girls, train your girls to dispatch mercilessly the rabid feral islamist North African dog, the Middle Eastern dog that comes to rape…not the good ones, for there are good ones…I mean the ones we should have left…who we should have left in the hot sands for 1000 more years…
see this friendly beast here, this is the type Obama and Biden and Susan Rice and Jarrett let in…all over America, laying in wait…

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Alexander News Network -Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander