Truth World

Antibiotics: it was the DENIAL of antibiotics that killed many in the initial wave of deaths; our Canadian, US, UK etc. governments & propaganda campaign against use of antibiotics when severely ill

elderly, high-risk compromised persons needed antibiotics to deal often with bacterial pneumonia secondary to any viral or respiratory pathogen (ILI); many died due to this criminal action, along with
1)denial of treatment when hospital beds etc. were closed off ONLY to COVID knowing they were over-cycling the false-positive PCR test to get money from governments, to denote someone ‘positive’ when they were not,
2)placing granny and grandpa on the ‘black hole COVID protocol’ of isolation, dehydration, malnourichment, multiple toxic drugs, DNR orders, denial of antibiotics, sedation with propofol, midazolam, lorazepam, morphine, fentanyl that further suppressed respiration and pushed down the death spiral, kidney and liver toxic Remdesivir, and placing on ventilator
3)the collaterol deaths from lockdowns…people hung themselves
4)the deadly Malone, Weissman, Kariko, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin et al. mRNA technology mRNA COVID injection, gene vaccine…

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander