Truth World

Grift, grift, & more grift, they can’t seem to get enough, stoke fear, yet it’s the same crap, change name from ‘Global COVID summit’ to ‘Global crisis summit’ but same crypto pedophiles funding it?

Come on Bobby, come on, why have you not separated yourself from the crypto bitcoin pedophiles? This is pure grift yet with some good strong people in the mix; fleecing people, poor people
To listen to bullshit, tautological bullshit, grift, graft, in all forms and fashions now…this is a list of friends of Bob, those who did not yet question him for his garbage mass formation deadly mRNA technology fraud but still may ha ha ha, those that need shoutouts for donor money, that type…I am ashamed to say I stood on stage with many here…thing is, good people fundamentally (I hope) but money rules them, the want of it, the fame, the ego, and I can tell you for I worked with many here, they care not one bit for the people, not one…this is self enrichment, a game, a big party…COVID was a fraud, a fake pandemic, but the people who jumped on to enrich themselves are worse than the malfesants who brought COVID, worse than the medical doctors that killed us with greed and ineptness, worse, worse than our health officials, worse, for they deceive you…in your face…this is the Delilah Samson fell to…this type.
Some I love here though, but I won’t give shout outs for Malone will then toss from from the dog and pony…so sssshhhh, I shall be quiet…

see this list of the TEAM…ask a question, why is McCullough not here? I will tell you, there is no condition that McCullough will ever stand on the same stage with Malone or appear where he is; ask

Dr. Paul Alexander
Jan 29

This upcoming speaker list in February… Many here did NOTHING, nothing across 4 years, and many talked a whole load of bullshit false discussion, ill-informed….now jumping onto the wagon to pimp and money whore…yes many here are pure grifter money whores…late to the game…when its over…this is just COVID whoring 101, they cannot let it go, even changing t…

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander