Truth World

Nikki no, never, NEOCON on roids, no to lockdown Ron, TRUMP with all his faults & QUESTIONS is the best shot we have, bring his retribution, vengeance, punishment to all who did wrong COVID, vaccine

You may not like Trump & he made mistakes allowing PENCE, Fauci, Birx, Azar to fcuk him with the fake non pandemic, it never was & then the mRNA vaccine, he was WRONG, he must own it, mea culpa now!

Trump was flat wrong, 100% on the lockdowns & the fake deadly OWS mRNA technology (Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Weissman et al.) COVID injections; he has to own it & tell the people he is sorry for this &

Dr. Paul Alexander
Jan 28

I will give him the benefit and give a Term 2.0…he has to fix the wrongs from his administration to make people ‘whole’…he has to punish people who did wrong in COVID lockdowns and the vaccine. I see Trump as the only option, the rest are pure idiotic clowns. Babies as to what America faces globally today.

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Everything he did not do first rounds he must do now. Hard on law and order, release J6 prisoners, pardon them. Stop mandates in full and outlaw the COVID mRNA vaccines, dump all in the lake.
Trump must ensure people in his administration, Biden et al. who did wrong in COVID, from lockdowns to vaccine, once proven in courts, be hung, once it is shown they caused deaths, hang them…even people who worked for him.
Trump must come to the people now and explain how he understands how much pain and loss with the lockdowns and the vaccines, he knows, we are working on him now as to the palatable language but let us be clear, he must mea culpa…and then promise to reverse liability protection, to set up a victim compensation fund for soliders, police, nurses, all of us hurt by lockdowns and vaccine, he must seal the border for 10 years and deport every single illegal the last 30 years crossing illegally into US, man, woman, child…consider allowing those with US passports, citizenship etc. that is legal and proven to be assessed at a consulate outside the US….period, he must ensure every judge who abused the bench going at him with impeachment and during his administration must be impeached, he must go medieval, mandingo on DC, burn it to the ground, warn all staff, do not go to the office, then work with fire marshall and burn DC to the floor, every alphabet, and then rebuild in one week, place CDC on Alcatraz, FDA 200 miles north of Anchorage Alaska, etc. Fire 1000 day one in every alphabet agency top down, all…outlaw earmarks, ensure budget is balanced in 4 years and move to bomb the Fentanyl sites in Wuhan China and then remove most favored trading status from China…
this is a start and must be done within one hour of the bible.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander