Christian Revival CollaborationMatthew 5:44 Awakening Blog

North Coast Leadership Academy

North Coast Leadership Academy is a two-year program that offers training in specialized areas of ministry, along with courses in the Bible, leadership, and essential skills to equip you for life. Through this unique program, we will provide valuable experiences that will develop and refine your unique God-given gifts so that you will be equipped to go out to wherever God may call you, and accomplish whatever God has called you to do.

Specialized ministry practicum will be offered for Worship, Media Production, Video Team, Nonprofit Management, Community Outreach, Information Technology, Graphics, Youth and Children’s Ministry. While working and serving in one of those ministries at North Coast Church, and through participation in life skill, leadership and basic Bible classes, you will be equipped and empowered to become a Christian leader wherever God leads you, with a solid foundation to serve God.

North Coast Church
Author: Shelley