Truth World

Hang them high! All of them, they left granny to lay there & die in her shit & piss, as they isolated her, sedated her (midazolam, morphine, propofol, lorazepam, fentanyl), denied antibiotics, DNR,

Remdesivir that these beasts, these ‘medical doctors’ & hospitals, knew was kidney & liver toxic, in her death spiral they drove, dehydrated & malnouriched her, put on the death ventilator! Hang them!

We had people go into rooms of our parents, grand-parents, who were isolated behind the glass, no doctor would touch them as they began to die in isolation; pull back cover saw feces, mound of feces

Dr. Paul Alexander
Jan 17

Granny lay in shit, and these bastard doctors stood behind the glass and won’t even talk to her or touch her, as she lay in shit, terror, death spiral, and you ask me to not be too hard on them? Are you EFF in crazy! When I say take doctors into courts, with hospital CEOs, with CDC officials, Health Canada officials, take PHAC, FDA people, all these tal…

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These animal doctors, puke filth animals, knew she was likely ‘false-positive’ for COVID for they knew that above 30 amplifications, that the PCR process was detecting viral dust and fragments, non-culturable, non-infectious, non-lethal pathogen…non-COVID, non-virus…they knew…yet the bitches were power-drunk, enjoying the upside fame and incentives of the lockdown lunacy and over-lording, ex cathedra…led by top dog morons like Leanna Wen…

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander