Truth World

EL GATO MALO, bad CAT shows us that this cat has churchbell testicles, taking on the RIGHT question: Does DEI/CRT actually CAUSE racism & discrimination, or help? Seems overwhelmingly, it is RACIST

excellent work by the bad ass pussy Cat as usual; ‘DEI/CRT do not stop racism, they cause it; a look at the psychological underpinnings of grievance cults’; this is the type of cat I like; BCM
BCM…black cats matter
support this pussy cat please…this is not just a technically adept pussy cat, this be a nuanced POLITICAL pussy cat, that cat I love! a brave one, taking on the DOA bullshit fraud BLM, congressional black caucus, the frauds like the Reverend, Al ‘Tawana Brawley feces lady’ Sharpton…the real race hustlers, the real racists….
I like this before we read Cat:
Rogier van Vlissingen
Rogier’s Substack
2 hrs ago
Right. The abused woman who gets to a therapist after 19 disastrous relationships, still has no hope of ever recovering unless she has the aha! moment of realizing she picked the bastards. The only thing you can ever change is yourself. Wanting to become happy at the expense of others and holding them responsible, is purely psychotic behavior. The world always wants to sell the notion that happiness comes from outside, but the reverse is true. It never does. We all know that when we meet sick people, or poor people or whatever who are cheerful in spite of adversity, and we meet billionaires who are miserable. It never ceases to amaze. The DEI/CRT world is letting the inmates run the asylum.

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

I love it!
DEI/CRT do not stop racism, they cause it; a look at the psychological underpinnings of grievance cults

bad cattitude

DEI/CRT do not stop racism, they cause it

what goes around comes around. as ye sow so shall ye reap. you get back what you put out into the world. if everyone you meet all day is a jerk, it’s probably not “them” that’s the problem… these l…
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19 hours ago · 148 likes · 41 comments · el gato malo

‘what goes around comes around.
as ye sow so shall ye reap.
you get back what you put out into the world.
if everyone you meet all day is a jerk, it’s probably not “them” that’s the problem…

these longstanding axioms persist for a reason. they persist because they are true. it’s bedrock canon of behaviorism to the point where it’s built into the structures of those seeking accurate information because if you do not account for this effect, you literally have no idea what you’re measuring. all your data is junk.
when pollsters run polls, they go to great lengths to avoid allowing those asking the questions to have any preconceptions whatsoever about what the answers “should” or are likely to be. this is because even if you give a questioner a simple script and say “please read this question in a neutral tone” just giving them a hint that most people will prefer chocolate when asked “do you prefer vanilla or chocolate ice cream” will skew the results massively toward chocolate. same with vanilla. you find what you expect to find and somehow, the subtle social cues pass through to those you ask no matter how neutral you try to be (or think you are being).
this is why randomized controlled trials are done as double blind. it’s not enough to just have the patient not know if they got real drug or placebo. the doctor/researcher cannot know either because if they do, their expectations pass through to the patient and the results became whatever they expect them to be.
self reporting is a nightmare like this. it’s just how humans are. it’s wired in at some deep level.
expecting an outcome often causes it. at the very least, it makes you find it. it alters your perceptions. reality does not even matter. it’s what you expect reality to be that determines what you see.
and this leads to all sorts of really perverse outcomes.
the prophesy is self fulfilling:
even if there were no victims before, tell people that they are victims and they become victims. the fact that they are victimizing themselves is a deep and nasty irony and it’s why all this DEI/critical race theory/systemic racism/grievance grubbing is not just damaging but shows us how these ideas are, quite literally, racism generators.
it’s division and rage farming by tainting expectation/perception
link to study

you can tell people they possess a “deviant” characteristic and even if they do not and those they interact with do not see anything wrong, it does not matter. the one who was informed they would be judged negatively perceives, in strong and strident terms, that they are being judged negatively. they are sure they are being discriminated against even when there was nothing to discriminate against.
and they wind up angry.

now rotate the shape and consider the impact of teaching kids about “structural racism.”
this one is a two sided knife. not only will those indoctrinated into the role of “victim” being “structurally oppressed” due to their appearance/social presentation begin to see racism/sexism/homophobia/whatever everywhere they look, but those who are identified as “oppressors” (whether conscious or not) will also get dragged into the perceptual bias trap and start seeing their own actions as biased/racist/etc even if they were not.
this literally victimizes everyone.

those convinced they are victims get mired in needless negative perceptions, prisons of low expectations (of themselves and their lives), and have actual accomplishment invalidated by affirmative action programs that make everyone wonder if the earned their place on merit or if they got it through preferencing.
those convinced they are victimizers get silenced, self-censor, and consigned to a hairshirt existence of self-hate and self-doubt and in turn feel like maybe they too only got where they were on “privilege.”
gee, i wonder why everyone is so neurotic all of a sudden?
no one is actually benefitting from this, least of all those this cult purports to “help.” they are getting broken and mangled just like everything else cast into this societal mulching machine.
obviously, this is not to say that there is no such thing as racism or sexism or bias of many kinds, but it does mean that constantly harping on it, making everything about it, and adding this endless structure of “unconscious bias and guilt” to the world is not going to resolve it. it’s going to make it grow like toxic mold.
these ideas do not heal, they stir up hate.
they are not inclusive, they are divisive.
they are not about equity but inciting rage and the only diversity they share is the diversity of vectors they use to push similar ideas and to suppress the views of those they deem “enemy.”
the only real winners here are the hatred hustlers making a killing off this and whomever benefits from turning we the people against ourselves and setting us upon one another as dissolute and divided neurotics devoid of self image and divorced from any idea of common community or positive values.
it really is an unmitigated horror.
and its 15 minutes must end.’

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander