Truth World

‘Something’ was always circulating IMO, B Rice Jr. is onto something BIG (JJ Couey, M Yeadon etc.), years prior IMO, benign, non-noxious, behaved like cold, flu, over-cycled false-positive PCR used

to detect something ‘they’ knew was circulating IMO, no excess-deaths, PCR (Fauci, Birx etc.) used by bigger players to manufacture a fake pandemic, topple Trump, it did! 100% COVID is/was a lie!
Whatever it is they released (intent or accident, intentional accident), something harmed high-risk vulnerable persons we know that. It is a fact. Was it a binary bioweapon? Did they try to bring a lethal battle-field type weapon (in the form of a pathogen) yet failed for it was non-lethal, yet infectious, it got away? What is it that was circulating? IMO all of COVID, from pathogen, what exactly it is/was, is a lie! 100%.
Nothing about COVID is or was true as stated by the ‘experts’ and health officials, governments, it cannot be! Did they release 2 pathogen? Is it binary? Second stage to come. IMO we are here because of something made by sick evil people at some point and it got into the environment. Battle field military or not. But I lean to Yeadon and Rancourt and Couey, SAGE H etc., smart people, for it is likely their entity was already out and circulating and it did kill elderly as usual, as a flu or cold would, persons over 80, medical conditions. Captured as such always, no dedicated case definition to look for anything unusual at any hospitals or clinics etc. That any sentinel surveillance systems could pick up.

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

I think that the natural selection Darwinian pressure, selective pressure we put on this benign always circulating pathogen (maybe the evil doers did not even know it would happen) caused evolution to more lethal versions e.g. initial Wuhan strain or they released that version…something caused some initial deaths, respiratory symptoms…again, we do not know all and we are just trying to connect the dots. Make sense.
Any selection environmental pressure we place on pathogen will drive evolution, as it seeks to survive so will evole to more non-lethal highly infectious mutants, it will ‘select’ those mutants that could overcome the non-lethal force we are placing, and those will become enriched in the environment and become ‘dominant’ e.g. like how omicron did. Yet is that all real? Were they fucking with us? Are we and did we try to understand what was happening around us by applying standard text book immunology and virology 101, yet they were tipping the scale and manipulating it directly? Behind the scense. Are we right yet in our descriptions if this was ‘natural’? For we know with a natural epidemic or pandemic we will see roughtly 3 peaks, 3 curves then endemicity. Will settle down to some symbiotic ‘seasonal’ relationship.
I think that the fraud fake pandemic, and the NPIs (non-pharmaceutical interventions like lockdowns, school closures etc.) implemented put ‘non-lethal pressure on the pathogen, caused initial evolution, where mutants that were more lethal, contributed to initial spike in deaths then the expected evolution to non-lethality and more infectious versions so that the pathogen does not arrive at an evolutionary ‘dead-end’. Smarter people than me may contribute and agree with, like some, all, or none of my thinking. I am imperfect and trying to make sense since ‘those in the know’ who did this, are silent.
If you deliver non-lethal force, non-lethal pressure on pathgoen, on virus, it will select for more infectious ‘fitter’ more hardier variants, stronger that could overcome the selective pressure and via viral immune escape, infect or re-infect.
I think that many sick evil people hell bent on destroying America and enriching themselves, their ‘class’, and globally, jumped into the COVID mix and decided to use this ‘always circulating’ pathogen to enrich e.g. bring a vaccine that was not needed for a virus if it were one. Make money, create never ending fear, keep you on the booster treadmill forever. As Obama’s ballet dancer man said (Rahm Emanuel) (and I love my ballet dancers) para ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’…these beasts created the fake crisis, stoked hysteria and fear, then offered the solution via an untested ineffective and deadly vaccine. Cloward-Piven even.
The mRNA technology via Malone, Weissman, Karikó and others (not named here, you can find them) has never been properly tested for safety and has shown via the lipid-nano particle complex (exosomes, liposomes, extra-cellular vehicles etc. used to encapsulate and transport and protect the mRNA payload) is deadly. Whether mRNA technology can have a beneficial effect in disease and medicine thus far has failed. Out of the box. I say stop it entirely. It does not work. The research has failed and is incomplete and there is too much greed and politics etc. Too much harms. Pharma (Bourla, Bancel, Sahin et al., Pfizer, Moderna etc.) is a corrupted mess and some operate as criminals. Drugs, devices, vaccines they produce, kill people.
Start over. Yet via proper ethics debates first involving the public as to if this is ever needed. I do not buy the mRNA technology. And the mRNA vaccines the mRNA technology underpin have shown to be inefficacious, ineffective, negative effectiveness, causing the vaccinated to become infected, giving the virus more infectious properties it did not have prior, and deadly. All about the mRNA technology and mRNA vaccines must be stopped.

See my review, the vaccines, the mRNA vaccines failed:

Extensive Efficacy Studies that Rebuke Vaccine Mandates

As Rice Jr., Couey, Yeadon, Rancourt, even SAGE and myself etc. and others argue, it is not any virus para, we do not even know what the hell they did, nothing like that which incurred the mass deaths, no, no no no, there never was a pandemic. Each has variations in how they try to make sense of the madness. Not even emergency. It was all a fucking lie! We lost 3 years of liberties and freedoms with a lie, a great deception.
These evil people always seek to accrue maximal power and will abuse it once they take it and will never give it back! We take it back via the courts and ballot box.
Had we done NOTHING, in response to the fake pandemic, far less people would have died. Nothing, except reasonable common-sense precautions with the high-risk, no one would have noticed. They created a pandemic out of fear. Lies! We killed people, our doctors did, via greed and ineptness, fear, stupidity, intellectual laziness, academic sloppiness, the medical systems and managment of people killed them, not no pathogen, hospital CEOs, governments, CDC, FDA, Health Canada, SAGE stupid, moronic, specious, incompetent, greedy, power-drunk malfeasant people, disguising as trying to ‘do good by you’, killed you! Why? Great reset? Is it that? Something more evil? Depopulation? Is it that?
This was a PCR-manufactured ‘95% false-positive 0.05% IFR fraud fake ‘no asymptomatic spread’ lie of a pandemic; nothing else. All of this pandemic was a lie.
It was and is the medical management of vulnerable people, even more well people, via a fraud PCR positive designation, via isolation, sedation (propofol, midazolam, morphine, lorazepam, fentanyl etc.), dehydration, DNR orders, malnourichment of our lederly, no antibiotics that was needed for bacterial pneumonia and looming sepsis, toxic drugs causing a death spiral in our elderly, hospitalized people, pumped with kidney and liver toxic Remdesivir, then placed on the death chamber ventilator, where the ventilator killed 90% placed on it. Even with that, Trump was deceived.
Why always circulating? Diamond Princess told us this. Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier told us this. The fact that on aship of 3700 para, only 19% para got infected, an isolated ship, quarantined, no one on or off, initial legacy Wuhan strain, infectious, so called lethal, with a median or so age of about 70…that only about 7 died, where elderly couples quarantined to rooms had one person hot COVID and died, yet the other had no infection? Elderly? How? Unless their immune systems had ‘seen’ it prior and they had some level of protection. Alike now, for unless an entirely different virus comes along with enough mutations, that your adaptive acquired immunological memeory cannot recognize it, then your natural immunity will always be bullet-proof and life long. You may get an immune re-challenge with some low level mild symptoms, but will be short lived and you will recover. Your natural immunity was always far greater than any immunity from a vaccine. Will always be.

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander