Truth World

Barak Obama runs the US military today January 2024; why? POTUS Biden is Non compos mentis, Sec of Defense ‘Darth Vader’ Austin was AWOL & he did not notify chain of command & when you listen to this

ding dong Kathleen Hicks, deputy secretary of defense talk to Stewart, who was on beach while ‘Darth Vader’ Austin was AWOL (maybe due to mRNA vaccine he mandated to troops??), thank God to Obama

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Just take a listen to this moron Kathleen Hicks, deputy secretary of defense, tell me it is not enough for you to go jump off a bridge…she made me feel so very depressed…is she that stupid or was she pretending…punking Stewart…how idiotic can one person be…she makes Rochelle Walensky blush, she makes VP Kamala Giggles sound like a Rhode Scholar…I have gained deep respect for Madame VP Giggles with all her cackles…

Hence, why I say, that Barak Obama is serving his 3rd term as POTUS and if republicans behave true to form, as we expect, never unwilling to clusterfuck the situation…they should lose the congressional house (on pace) (what a clown car show, these idiots are, and especially the new speaker Johnson who seems as bad as Paul ‘eunuch Benedict Arnold’ Ryan) and do worse in the senate and fail to capture the White House, then Obama will serve his 4th term.
It can’t get fucking worse than this, these crazy people are taking the greatest most lethal fighting force on earth and poussy fying it! Transgendering it (thank God Mr. Transgender himself, Mr. Pink Poissy hat General Mark Milley just retired)! Oh God, Lord help us! We have ISIS and islamic jihadists outside America and within America studying how to bomb us to death and stab us, counting coffins for us, while we fight about which bathroom for our military, which pronouns to us, and ensuring male soldier with a penis who is really a would be rapist and pedophile and a man, and wants to pretend to be a woman, get tax paid sex change support etc. It cannot get any worse…

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander