Truth World

Bret Weinstein, June, 2020: “We screwed up the lockdown, badly, because we went halfway. That a very short, very intense lockdown could have ended it…”; Weinstein was very WRONG here, completely!

…and that would have been the smart thing to do.” SAGE HANA’s substack article is reference; Weinstein was wrong as i)no economy to emerge to ii)selective pressure placed due to NPI drives mutants
iii)pathogen will evolve and adapt iv)you deny the population gaining background immunity and so when you open up, the population acts like a sponge sucking up pathogen/virus and there will be surges in infection and potential for severe illness, overwhelming medical infrastructure v)if setting has open borders (flow in and out) and there is an animal reservoir, no lockdown will ever work, especially if the pathogen already breached the borders

Sage’s Newsletter

Bret Weinstein, June, 2020: “We screwed up the lockdown, badly, because we went halfway. That a very short, very intense lockdown could have ended it and that would have been the smart thing to do.”

Lock me down harder, Daddy. May as well toss in a little Mattias Desmet to really set that shit on fire. Weinstein goes on to advocate for masks and speculate that we should be careful outside so as not to train the novel virus to transmit more efficiently outdoors…
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4 months ago · 114 likes · 176 comments · Sage Hana

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander