Truth World

Berenson has followed my substack articles asking where are women groups, Me Too? feminists speaking out for Israeli women? saw video where HAMAS inserted metal rods into vaginas exiting their mouths

Good for Alex but he failed to describe the horror that was video taped by these 6th century barbarians, these mediaval beasts that we should have left in 6th century; are Israeli women less worthy?

My ‘where the hell are you feminists in defense of Israeli women and girls raped by HAMAS’ substack is driving serious strong debate, please join! Feminists that ‘progressive’? Won’t even defend women

Dr. Paul Alexander
Dec 9

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Is the feminist movement that ‘progressive’? So MEN, HAMAS men, can do these vile brutal rape mutilation things to Israeli women and you do not care? You are silent? By muslim i…

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Good stack by Berenson, he has shown stones most don’t have, thank you Alex.
A hat tip is in order:

My ‘where the hell are you feminists in defense of Israeli women and girls raped by HAMAS’ substack is driving serious strong debate, please join! Feminists that ‘progressive’? Won’t even defend women

swimmers against men who pretend to be women? Won’t even defend REAL biological women against fake TRANS would be rapist pedophile men pretending to be women? Got it! Your cause is DEAD! you killed it

Unreported Truths

On the sexual atrocities Hamas committed on Oct. 7

On Thursday, The New York Times recounted in awful detail the sexual atrocities the men of Gaza committed during Hamas’s October 7 raid into Israel. I know Jeffrey Gettleman, who had the piece’s lead byline. He is a serious reporter who served with distinction for many years in Africa. He doesn’t exaggerate…
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11 hours ago · 729 likes · 220 comments · Alex Berenson

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander