Truth World

Hamas invasion of Israel was BATACLAN France terror attack 2.0 yet worst! Recall Bataclan islamic terrorists stabbed women in vaginas, cut out their eyes, disemboweled them alive, cut men balls off

stuffed in mouth, disemboweled them! Now we learn HAMAS terrorists shot female Israeli soldiers ‘in the crotch, intimate parts and breasts’, mutilated genitals, female children pelvises shattered
‘shot female Israeli soldiers ‘in the crotch, intimate parts and breasts’ as part of ‘a systemic genital mutilation’: IDF reveals many victims’ corpses still had agonised looks on their faces’

These are animals we should have never let into the 21st century…
see this video of these 7 islamic beasts trying to rape this Israeli woman and take her away:

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

I said many times these were 6th century animals, medieval beasts in human form and must be treated as such; corpses still had agonised looks on their faces
I saw footage I cannot share other than there were images I cannot repeat, it is so inhumane.
‘Hamas terrorists shot female Israeli soldiers ‘in the crotch, intimate parts and breasts’ as part of a ‘systematic genital mutilation’, the IDF has claimed.
Some of the female victims of the attack on October 7 were left with agonised looks on their faces in death, according to an Israeli unit that helped bless the bodies.
Army reservist Shari Mendes said many bodies of female victims, both civilian and soldiers, arrived ‘in bloody shredded rags or just in underwear’.’
Mendes, whose unit is based at the Shura Army Base in central Israel, was speaking at a UN event in New York on Monday titled ‘Hear Our Voices: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the October 7 Hamas terror attack’.
She said: ‘Our team commander saw several female soldiers who were shot in the crotch, intimate parts, vagina, or shot in the breast.
‘This seemed to be a systematic genital mutilation of a group of victims.’
‘These women arrived with their eyes opened, their mouths in grimaces, their fists clenched,’ she added. 
‘The soldiers that we dealt with had expressions of agony on their faces still. 
‘I remember one young woman whose arm was broken in so many places it was difficult for us to lay her arm in the burial shroud, her leg too. 
‘In her case the entire left side of her body was shredded, torn apart, most likely by a grenade.’
Mendes, describing the atrocities in graphic detail, said that she and her unit are forced to make a decision to not show the families of dead soldiers their bodies.
‘Some were shot in the heads were bashed in so badly that their brains were spilling out,’ she said. 
‘Some were shot in the heads so many times at close range that their heads were almost blown off.’
Recall Bataclan France:

Policemen on the scene of nightclub vomited when they saw victims

Parts of people are seen here blurred over, intestines strewn all over…

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander