Truth World

NATURAL exposure IMMUNITY (innate & acquired/adaptive): They lied about inferior natural immunity, turns out it lasts a life-time, 100 years & we and they always knew it, it was a lie by psycopaths

to frighten you to take deadly vaccine, have you on a booster treadmill, taking mRNA technology vaccine that was negative effectivenss day one, non-neutralizing, non-sterilizing, TRAPPED you!

Natural immunity lasts for at least 100 years & I (Oskoui, McCullough, Risch, Tenenbaum, Ladapo et al.) told you this; I highlight a study in 2008 (I put in substack prior) showing you we found immune

Dr. Paul Alexander
Nov 25 The research told us that survivors of the 1918 influenza pandemic (as kids then) possess highly functional, virus-neutralizing antibodies to this uniquely virulent virus, and that humans can sustain circulating B memory cells to viruses for m…

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That you would be taking booster after booster for the rest of your life, taking a vaccine that was ineffective, did not stop transmission, with rapid waning immunity, was deadly, subverting your immune system that was prior functional and protective (preventing the innate antibodies and natural killer cells from proper training (especially in young infants, children) and education as to pathogen (glycosilated), damaging P53 tumor suppressor system, BRCA 1, 2, toll-like receptors 7, 8 etc.), and driving TURBO rapid aggressive deadly cancers (lymphomas, glioblastomas, leukemias etc.). With devastating effects, the mRNA (in fact any of the vaccines or gene injections that result in the deadly spike glycoprotein) vaccine is incredibly harmful with bleeding, clotting, VITT, paralysis, dissecting aneurysms, brain bleeds, dying in your sleep, dying at dawn as you rise, dying suddenly etc. It was all a lie, a deadly lie and thank God now you understand and do not want the boosters; you know it is a waste of time, deadly and you are actually elevating your risk of infection with sub-variants when you take the boosters.
We were screwed by our governments and pharma, Pfizer, Moderna etc. and all the health officials at CDC, NIH, FDA, PHAC, SAGE, Health Canada who did this and we must ensure they are jailed once shown properly in legal courts with judges etc. Imprison and hang some! Once judges say hanging is in order! No matter who!

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander