Truth World

Its not just Europeans being raped& killed; mass slaughter in Sudan by islamic Hamas-linked jihadis; Janjaweed terrorist group is allied with a network of militias in the Middle East, North Africa

Why? For being Christian, so even Africans who want to practice christianity are killed & what you should understand is that we were ALWAYS, thousands of years now, at WAR with radical islam, ALWAYS!

What has happened in Sudan if as reported has been going on 1500 to 1600 years now, you were just sleeping, misguided, and lied to and misdirected by your western governments. We have always been at war with radical jihadist islam.
Radical Sharia islam remains the gravest threat to the west and western societies, radical 6th century islam, has been and remains the threat, in case you were still sleeping pulling fuzz balls from your navels. And Biden did well to facilitate Obama’s dream of a Nuclear armed shia Iran and a remodelled America with sharia and islamic ‘no go zones’ across America…Hamtramck, Detroit, Michigan? What is happening there…like you, I hope for the good. My view is that all peoples are welcomed in America legally, once you come legally and once you do not seek to harm America, Americans and do not bring violence with you. Once you respect and follow the rule of law in America as laid out by America’s constitution. Free to practice your faith of any kind, as long as you do not harm others for practicing theirs. That is my view.
Freedom, respect, community. Free to be all you can be while not infringing on rights of others.
‘This month, the Midwestern city of 28,000 (Hamtramck) has reached a milestone. Hamtramck has elected an all-Muslim City Council and a Muslim mayor, becoming the first in the US to have a Muslim-American government.’

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander