Truth World

3 Reasons Why Nikki Haley Is Dead Wrong About Anonymous Speech;Nikki Haley wants to de-anonymize the internet in the name of “national security.” But Haley is also a “complete authoritarian.” Here are

three reasons why she’s dead wrong on this. (The Vigilant Fox); now Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens hammering Haley openly
‘Republican Presidential contender Nikki Haley, who has past ties to the World Economic Forum, made a series of dystopian comments Tuesday, saying internet users should be “verified” before freely expressing their opinions online.
Jordan Schachtel reported:

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Nikki Haley went on television and declared that it was absolutely necessary to deanonymize the internet, justifying the idea as a “national security” prerogative.

“Every person on social media should be verified by their name” because of “national security,” she said on a Fox News voter panel.

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According to Haley, it’s still not enough to make it illegal to be online and commit the act of speaking freely without publicly doxxing yourself. No, Haley took it a step further, demanding that surveillance tools are used to monitor and identify anyone using the internet.

Despite what Haley thinks, such measures go against everything that embodies what America represents. Here are three reasons why she’s dead wrong on this.
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#1 – “When you create a climate in which people get punished for expressing their political views, anonymity becomes crucial.”

Glenn Greenwald, an American journalist, lawyer, author, and co-founder of The Intercept, responded to Haley’s comments on The Jimmy Dore Show. He said:

“We talked about the people who lost their jobs in the last five weeks for criticizing Israel. But before that, for years, people who were dissidents to establishment orthodoxies on COVID, on the war in Ukraine, on January 6, on the 2020 election, have lost their jobs en masse as well. And when you create a climate in which people get punished for expressing their political views, anonymity becomes crucial.”
#2 – “The ability to speak anonymously is a centerpiece of First Amendment rights.”

Greenwald mentioned that there are around six or seven Supreme Court decisions that have consistently invalidated laws similar to those proposed by Nikki Haley. These laws attempted to require individuals distributing political leaflets or pamphlets to include their names on them. In cases where people handed out such materials on behalf of unnamed groups, the cities would try to fine or prosecute them. However, in every case, the Supreme Court ruled against such laws.

“These laws are unconstitutional,” Greenwald attested, “because the right to speak with pseudonyms or the right to speak anonymously is a vital and indispensable right if free speech is to matter. Otherwise, the only free speech you’ll have is to express views that comport with establishment orthodoxy.”
#3 – Throughout history, many renowned advocates for freedom and purveyors of truth have chosen to write under a pseudonym.

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, more commonly known as Mark Twain.

“The Federalist papers, the foundational documents that led to the enactment of the Constitution, were written by people like Alexander Hamilton using a pseudonym. Mark Twain wrote under a pseudonym. There have been people writing anonymously for all of Western civilization,” denoted Greenwald. The article you are reading right now was also written by a person using a pseudonym. “And one of the main reasons is because they often are endangered by authorities if they speak critically about those in power.”
Greenwald then took the opportunity to scorch Nikki Haley on the subject.

“The only kind of person who would ever say that you have to register on the internet, have your name verified, can’t speak anonymously, is a complete authoritarian. And the fact that she can even say that in the face of decades of Supreme Court precedent, saying this is what despots do, just shows exactly what she is.”’
Excellent piece by TVF:

Vigilant News

3 Reasons Why Nikki Haley Is Dead Wrong About Anonymous Speech

Watch now (3 mins) | Republican Presidential contender Nikki Haley, who has past ties to the World Economic Forum, made a series of dystopian comments Tuesday, saying internet users should be “verified” before freely expressing their opinions online. Jordan Schachtel reported…
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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander