Truth World

We cannot kill our way to peace and certainly not lasting peace! Both sides; if we have not found it yet after centuries, we try harder, we must find a way! Both sides! We must be willing to step back

hard as it may be, difficult based on atrocities, but consider implications to humanity as this is going far now! Nations can enter Israel-Hamas conflict literally wipe the world out! We are there now

Adolf Hitler meets with the Grand islamic Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, on November 28, 1941. This photo is ‘real’, no dispute. Why did they meet? What did the Mufti tell Hitler? What did

Dr. Paul Alexander
Nov 8

‘The real dispute from that brand of Islamic Jew-hatred is not about land, or “refugees” or a “two-state solution.” It is about the refusal by many Muslims to co-exist with Jews. The anti-Israel chant of pro-Palestinian protestors is: “From the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea, Palestine will be free” — meaning “free” of Jews. This hoped-for I…

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We cannot have nations wanting the non existence of another, and I know there is lots you or I do not understand. I know. I know its complex yet simple too. We can hate each other yet co-exist. We must find a way to not kill others who do not believe in what we believe in. And might does not mean right. That is mediaval shit, that is insanity, you must then move to reform your faith and writings. It is that simple for you cannot live in the 21st century with 5 and 6th century thinking. It is the radical islamic jihadist thinking, that behavior that is the problem, not only for Israel, but for Christians, Hindus etc. and non-believers in islam. This too has to change. I am writing things that have existed for near 1600 years so not so simple. But the bottom line is that we are facing WWIII if we cannot get this Israeli-Hamas issue under control and resolved. Israel IMO has its right to respond. Yet we want this to be humane too, no innocents killed.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander