Truth World

‘Obama Warns Israel’s Strikes on Gaza Could Backfire’; this beast, this untermensche who flooded America with islamic Tashfeen Maliks to kill Americans, this beast that gave Iran the drone & naval

gunboats (he GAVE Iran the technology), this beast who did all he could to get Iran to nuclear bomb to destroy Israel & US, a beast who helped create & support terrorists like HAMAS, said ‘backfire’?
“As I stated in an earlier post, Israel has a right to defend its citizens against such wanton violence, and I fully support President Biden’s call for the United States to support our long-time ally in going after Hamas, dismantling its military capabilities, and facilitating the safe return of hundreds of hostages to their families,” Obama wrote.
Despite that, the former president added that “how Israel prosecutes this fight against Hamas matters,” and urged that the country abide by international “laws that seek to avoid, to every extent possible, the death or suffering of civilian populations,” lest its efforts “backfire.””
The reality is we understand the Obamas of this world, we know the double-talk and fork tongued manner, what the real motive is, Obama is sitting there cheering on every Israeli killed by this, he supports Iran’s intent to destroy Israel. We know that by how he governed and what he did during his 8 years. Israel and blacks in America lost most under this beelzebub.

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander