Truth World

mRNA technology based COVID Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech vaccine: after roll-out January 2021, we see MASSIVE rise in Lymphomas, leukemias, glioblastoma, breast, colon, lung, testicular, ovarian, sarcoma

we see cancers metastasizing rapidly like never before! we see cancers now in remission flaring up! we see deaths from diagnosis to death in days, weeks and not years as prior! TURBO! RAPID!
we can link this rapid progression to the mRNA COVID gene based vaccine.
Then why are medical doctors silent? Why are oncologists silent? They know the link exists but remain silent. Why are hospital CEOs silent? Why are governments silent? Why is the CDC, NIH, Health Canada, FDA, SAGE, PHAC etc. silent? Is it because these criminals got money? Were paid off direct and indirect? Now Suzie is in big league university, bought condo, car, living nice on daddy’s corrupted kickback money…and we are to stomach that? I think they are crooks and criminals and should be jailed. I would start looking at Fauci, Bourla, Kariko, Bancel, Azar, Birx, Hahn etc. Look at the 33 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse, I say many in there should be jailed or if judges say criminal death penalty is in order, then hung!

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Author: Dr. Paul Alexander